Virginia Gold from the Ghost Hole

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I didn't name this place, some panner in 1938 found the site and called it that. People were more concerned with ghosts and haunts in that time so he must have called it Ghost Hole to keep the local miners away. I purchased the land a month or so ago.

After the first month of scratching through the quartz layers on layers, some as hard as a concrete sidewalk, here are my finds. I scrape 4 to 5 inches with a mini excavator and detect with my GPX 5000/14" Nugget Finder and scratch again and again. My digs are 14' by 8', 3' to 7' feet deep, where ever the gravels stop. I keep working up the hill until the nugget finds stop, move over and up the hill again. I hope to find a pocket or gold producing vein. I have uncovered lots of quarts veins but true to form at this site only the horizonal vein contain gold. BTW, I pan every foot or so and I have found few fines, only an ocassionally color. I wish I knew more about gold mining. Any suggestions would be appreciated and thanks for looking.

Oh, if any of you know an old worn out site, buy a 14" Nugget Finder mono coil, I have tested every coil I own during this project and I can say the NF will find the small stuff better than any other.Use "Fine Gold" setting on the GPX and you will be pleased.

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I use a Takeichi 016 mini. I have been pleased, it's quiet so it doesn't creat curious neighbors; fuel efficient averaging a little over 2 gallon per 8 hours of operation; and it has a strong hydraulic pump to dig the hard gravel. I had to replace the rubber track but I think that was due to wear and not the activity. I will try to get some pictures next time out.

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