Looke Like gold

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The other day I was walking and seen the glimmer of gold on the ground. I picked it up and found what looks like gold in a greyish piece of rock maybe granite. I do not have a test kit, is there another way of finding out what it is. I did try my detectors and none of them went off on it. Thanks



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Thanks for the info.

What I did was secure it then prick it with the tip of a knife, it did flake little flat pieces. I tried this everywhere I could see it. some of the areas did not flake the knife made a little dent. I then put headphones on and did an airtest with ML Eureka Gold 6.4 - no signal, 20 very faint signal and 60- a better signal. I again did an airtest with the GB Pro and I got a signal but the weird thing about this signal was it was on the edge of the coil about 7 o:clock and the with a reading of 9 in the target Id in disc. mode. In all metal there is not any reading on the graph across the top but I can hear it pass under the coil. Im thinking maybe a minute bit of gold mixed in with pyrite.

I had never heard of "Flaking" to see if it might be prite but that makes sense. thanks for all the info.


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Capt. D

I think anyone that has searched for gold ,has been fooled a few times more

that they care to admit. Some of us has even walked by gold,because sometimes

it is impossible to see. :blush:

I got tired of wondering,and learned how to do chemical assays. Now I can pack a small

lab in a small tackle box,and test any time that I want to at camp at home, or right in the field.

All minerals and metals have reactions with certain chemicals and acid that sets them apart

from any other mineral or metal. Some have the same reaction ,but with the addition of some

other chemical,or another step,you can eliminate the false positive.

You can actually disect a rock ,and determine every mineral and metal in it. If you are really

picky,you can determine how much,and the grade per ton,for every thing in that rock.

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Capt. D

I think anyone that has searched for gold ,has been fooled a few times more

that they care to admit. Some of us has even walked by gold,because sometimes

it is impossible to see. :blush:

I got tired of wondering,and learned how to do chemical assays. Now I can pack a small

lab in a small tackle box,and test any time that I want to at camp at home, or right in the field.

All minerals and metals have reactions with certain chemicals and acid that sets them apart

from any other mineral or metal. Some have the same reaction ,but with the addition of some

other chemical,or another step,you can eliminate the false positive.

You can actually disect a rock ,and determine every mineral and metal in it. If you are really

picky,you can determine how much,and the grade per ton,for every thing in that rock.


Could you explain/detail what is in your "Small Lab"?

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Gold Seeker

It depends on what I am doing,or which kit I use. My field kit is kept to being pretty basic.

Mostly it contains some test tubes,alcohol burner, spot plate,filter paper,small mortar,and

pestle,some evaporating dishes,droppers,a couple syringes,small plastic spoon, gloves,

and large tweezers,and plenty of baking soda to kill the acids. I always have a loupe,and

pocket microscope ,and accurate scales too. It only takes about 5 minutes to do a gold


You don't need a great quanity of acid or chemicals, so an ounce or so of nitric,

and hydrochloric each is plenty. One ounce each of the other chemicals is plenty. I make my

own stannous solution as needed,so I just carry a piece of tin solder. Most tests can be

done with just a test tube or spot plate,so you don't need a lot of equipment. A baby food

jar or two comes in handy sometimes. I also carry some distilled water,a pint will do a lot

of tests, gallon will last for a really long time. Fresh rain water caught in a plastic container

will work too.

My camp kit ,contains ,hydrochloric,nitric,sulphuric, and acetic,acids. Also ammonia,acetone,

hydrogen peroxide,along with sodium carbonate,borax,charcoal powder,zinc powder,tin ,pure

sulphur,potassium iodide,potassium nitrate,potassium,hydroxide,potassium ferrocynide,

potassium pyrosulphate,potassium chlorate,tannic acid powder,ammonium carbonate,pyrolusite,

sodium hydroxide,sodium nitrate,sodium sulfide,cobalt nitrate,lead acetate,salt of phosphorous,

silver nitrate,dymethylglyoxime, and cacothelin. My home kit contains all the above,plus the bead

testing wires and blow pipe. Not all of that is needed by the average prospector,as some is used

for rare earths, odd ball metals,and minerals. Also in spite of the 5 dollar names,a lot of that stuff

can be found in your kitchen,or shop.

And hell no,I didn't invent any of the processes,and have CRS syndrome ,so I carry a note book

too. :o Stay up wind,don't lick the spoon,or drink the water,and keep the baking soda handy.

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Thanks Sawmill. Ive been going to order an acid test kit. Just never got around to it. I did print your list though and might start gathering some of the chemicals.



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I found something that will put you right on track for chemical testing. Years ago a very well

known geologist and mining engineer gave me a first edition copy of this information. My copy

has been well used,but you can down load the 2,nd edition.

Search You Too Can Smelt, The title is misleading,because it is also a guide to chemical

assays,and gives you the information for every process,all the supplies,and how to use them.

This booklet was wrote for real commercial miners and prospectors. It is written in plain English,

and in simple terms. Best of all it is accurate,no BS,and free.

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