Old hard rock tailings northern calf

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Don't over look old mine tailings used to pave

Drive ways and parking lots!

These nuggets where all found in a cemetery parking lot

In northern calf with a tweaked out gold bug 2

2 days of digging trash and gold post-63274-0-66071300-1376974500_thumb.j


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  • Admin


Wow ... you never know where old tailings will end up.

Years ago here in Arizona they were taking truck loads of ore from a famous Gold Mine on the Southern flanks of the Bradshaw Mountains. I guess one of the trucks broke down off the freeway and had to dump the high grade load of ore. Apparently someone in the known, knew about the ore, visited the site with a VLF and scored some beautiful "sponge type" specimens.

It's out there! Thanks for sharing.

Rob Allison

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