Gold Rush & Jungle Gold Shows on TV

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Hello All,

I must say I enjoy watching both the gold shows on Discovery, "Gold Rush" & "Jungle Gold." That being said, I have to wonder if they even make a dollar of the little gold they find. By any means I'm not big time commercial miner, but have been involved in several operations and know a few owners, now retired that mined over 1,000 ounces each.

Most of these operations on TV have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in equipment, mining claims, man-power, fuel, food and wear & tear. At the end of the season, most of them might get 100-200 ounces a season. Just doing simple math I can't see them making much money at it. By the time they pay their employees, take their own paycheck, manage and maintain the equipment, I'm not seeing any fat pay check at the end of the tunnel.

I know Discovery is funding a good portion of the bill, no question about that. There is no way anyone in their right mind could go year after year just breaking even mining like they are.

Anyone have any thoughts or comments on this?

Rob Allison

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Well, Rob, I've been there done that running a fair sized operation for a few years, much much bigger than these guys, and what these clowns are doing on those shows is just rediculous ... Without the sponsorship of the tv programs they wouldn't last more than a couple months ... The Hoffmans, especially are a joke and the newby amaturers they have trying in the jungle are seriously endangering not only themselves but the crews they are bringing along ... Some of it is entertaining, if only to jump up and down and hollar , "Did you see that sh*t!!!!! " Cheers, Unc

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What Steve says is true. They want clowns with big personalities who enjoy stirring up controversy on these shows - Todd and his dad fit the bill perfectly. Thats what the show is made of - the controversy. If you just had a hard working miner digging and finding gold, it would be too boring for most viewers (though maybe not for other miners). Thats why only Miners and GPAA members watch the prospecting shows of the outdoor channel, but millions tune into the Discovery channel to see the antics of Todd and his dad.

Who knew that if they just would have had Perry and Tom arguing and fighting on TV it would have quadrupled the ratings?

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Im just jealous its not me! :)
Oh well, guess Ill have to go out and find it

the hard way.
Tom H.

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Hey Guys,

I have to agree, just wanted to get your thoughts. About 8 months ago I was contacted to do a gold show. I guess someone said I would be good for a detecting show, so the producer called. I told him I had no knowledge of what he was talking about, but it lead into what he was wanting to do. They wanted to do something similar to Gold Rush here in Arizona, but more based on metal detecting, digging with small equipment and such. It was a production company that worked with Discovery and A&E. Once we talked more about how it would go down and get filmed, I wanted no part of it. They wanted it to be all drama, planting gold, making shit up and such.

I figured there were other detectorist that would be perfect for this ..... LOL

Rob Allison

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Hello Rob,

They do like the Drama factor for their show ,it keeps people watching the show and Christo has that figured out . But I just spent a month in the Klondike and the camp where I stayed can do 100 oz's a day if no equipment fails them and that will pay some Bills right quick.

98.5oz bar fresh out of the oven


Setbacks when you stick a D6 and have to pull the D10 off its job to get it out.


A Wall in downtown Dawson City


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Well, Rob, I've been there done that running a fair sized operation for a few years, much much bigger than these guys, and what these clowns are doing on those shows is just rediculous ... Without the sponsorship of the tv programs they wouldn't last more than a couple months ... The Hoffmans, especially are a joke and the newby amaturers they have trying in the jungle are seriously endangering not only themselves but the crews they are bringing along ... Some of it is entertaining, if only to jump up and down and hollar , "Did you see that sh*t!!!!! " Cheers, Unc

Actually, we did have some pretty interesting drama going on ... Playboy Playmates, drugs, employees stealing, then growing pot in the far reaches of our claims and us turning them in, international intrigue (Switzerland), FBI, Scottland Yard, USPS Inspectors in grey suits, fueding families, relatives stealing from relatives, N. CA and AK adventures, discovering backers got ripped off for several million $$ ... Backers paying us to shut up about it ... mob out of Boston, Forest Service and Fish & Game crookd stuff, and so forth!!! ... Sure happy it happened while I was young, couldn't handle it today!!! ... Geeze, I never wrote it down like that before ... Maybe we could get a movie or TV show ... I got all re-stressed just thinking about it again ... Cheers, Unc

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Hey Guys,

I have to agree, just wanted to get your thoughts. About 8 months ago I was contacted to do a gold show. I guess someone said I would be good for a detecting show, so the producer called. I told him I had no knowledge of what he was talking about, but it lead into what he was wanting to do. They wanted to do something similar to Gold Rush here in Arizona, but more based on metal detecting, digging with small equipment and such. It was a production company that worked with Discovery and A&E. Once we talked more about how it would go down and get filmed, I wanted no part of it. They wanted it to be all drama, planting gold, making shit up and such.

I figured there were other detectorist that would be perfect for this ..... LOL

Rob Allison

Meee meee....tell them to give me a call!!!!

I can be a drama queen for the right price. :)

Plus im handsome and will look good on the screen :P

Tom H.

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I record and watch all of them including Ghost Mine. Ghost Mine started out very boring but after the 1st episode I enjoyed it. (Not for the ghost though) I have been interested in prospecting and mining for about 12 years now, I enjoy watching all of these shows. Now Gold Rush just seems stupid at times, especially when you hear Todd say "I really like this place. It looks like it could have a million ounces".

I would like to be able to look at a piece of land, while standing on it and see anything that would make me believe it has a million ounces of gold in it.


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Hey Mike,

I agree with you, but most don't understand you're moving thousands of yard per day through a plant. Great pictures and thanks for sharing. There is no question Tony knows what he is doing, the others guys I'm not so certain.

P.S. You get to swing your detector up there much?

Rob Allison

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Actually, we did have some pretty interesting drama going on ... Playboy Playmates, drugs, employees stealing, then growing pot in the far reaches of our claims and us turning them in, international intrigue (Switzerland), FBI, Scottland Yard, USPS Inspectors in grey suits, fueding families, relatives stealing from relatives, N. CA and AK adventures, discovering backers got ripped off for several million $$ ... Backers paying us to shut up about it ... mob out of Boston, Forest Service and Fish & Game crookd stuff, and so forth!!! ... Sure happy it happened while I was young, couldn't handle it today!!! ... Geeze, I never wrote it down like that before ... Maybe we could get a movie or TV show ... I got all re-stressed just thinking about it again ... Cheers, Unc


(chanting), Book, Book, Book, Book ...! We all want to know, LOL!

Just change the names to protect the innocent! :lol:

Seriously, it sounds like it would be a really good read!


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Dave, on Gold Rush seems to be the only one that has half a wit about him. Todd and Jack stumble around going, "I really feel good about this area." As disclosed on last years episode, Ol' Jack is on morphine for pain so no wonder he feels good about EVERY AREA!

When it comes to gold, I think very few people ever became rich having a GOOD feeling. It was funny because during their first season I kept saying to my wife, why aren't they drilling test holes. They are wasting their time and their fuel "guessing" at where the gold is at. Then Tony Beans comes on the scene and tells Todd you have to drill drill drill!

Then we have this Jungle Gold show. It should me named, The Easy Way To Waste Money, and Get Yourself Killed While Chasing Imaginary Gold.

I about spit my coffee in my lap when George holds his hand out and says this is the biggest nugget we have ever found, it's amazing. It had to weigh all of 1 gram. OMG really? You go down there, with basically no equipment, the stuff you do have is garbage, you hang a sign around your neck that says, "I have about $35,000 I have borrowed from my father in law, and I am really stupid, please come and take my money and sell me the lease rights on some worthless piece of ground. Any money I have left you can come in the night and rob me."

I mean it really makes me angry watching these shows.

I tell you the person that does impress me is Parker. What a bull dog for an 18 year old kid. He has the ambition, and I think now that he has Tony Beans as a mentor, I think he has a chance to really learn a lot, and perhaps be a successful miner. I think Grandpa John is just one of the sweetest guys in the world. You can see his love for Parker and just how much he supports his grandson. I think Grandpa probably sees a lot of his younger self in Parker.

Whatever, I wish them all success and safety. I would venture to say that 90% of the experienced guys on this forum could find more gold than the Hoffman's using metal detectors, if they put in the same amount of hours and the same number of men. And the metal detector operation costs are pennies compared to heavy equipment.

All you have to do is look at the Metal Detector take for 12 guys for 1 week at Gaines and Moore Creek. Heck some weeks those guys found more gold in a week than the Hoffman's did their entire first season.


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Hey Doc,

I think if it wasn't for Dave Turin and Fred Dodge, the Hoffman's would be broke for one. Two, Parker is one of my favorites and I agree with Doc he has a great mentor, Tony Beets. No question Parker's Grandfather John see Parker in him back in the early Gold Nugget Mine days. I'm not a big fan of Fred & his Son's operation after they kind of screwed the Hoffman's out of the claims in the first season, and then wouldn't loan Parker the Generator when in need. Fred seems very self centered.

I'm banking Parker does the best this season.

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

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Hey Doc,

I think if it wasn't for Dave Turin and Fred Dodge, the Hoffman's would be broke for one. Two, Parker is one of my favorites and I agree with Doc he has a great mentor, Tony Beets. No question Parker's Grandfather John see Parker in him back in the early Gold Nugget Mine days. I'm not a big fan of Fred & his Son's operation after they kind of screwed the Hoffman's out of the claims in the first season, and then wouldn't loan Parker the Generator when in need. Fred seems very self centered.

I'm banking Parker does the best this season.

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

Forgot about Fred, you are right he knows what he is doing. And I also agree with you about Fred and Dustin, is that his name? Fred is a jerk.

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