Todays find w/question

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Well I put off cleaning the garage and went out swinging. I got this really weak signal and started to dig. I finally found the signal in this rock. I forgot my spray bottle at home and didn't want to waste spit er water to try and see color so I stuffed it in the pack and kept at it.

When I got home I gently brushed the dirt off under some water in the sink. It is hard to see, but right by my thumb is some crusted up color. This rock is heavy and granted it is big, but it is lop-sided heavy on this corner. I was going to soak it in some pool acid or Whink, to try a see what's all there. There has to be more inside it. . .

Besides just taking a center punch to it to try and chip off some rock and expose whats inside. What is the next best method to expose the gold? I dont want to mess with HF either, as I dont have the right PPE or experience and would like to keep all my digits intact.

Thanks for any advice.


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Hey Thanks Chris, I think I'll whink it for a week. The last time I crushed a piece of rock, I thought it had nothin - to not much in it and there was a nice little nugget that ended up having a flat side to it. That lil-nugget is now gorilla glued to a piece of plastic w/leather strap on it and used as a field tester.

I have the rock in whink right now, just enough to cover the corner and clean up whats semi visiable. After I check it out I will soak the whole thing.

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Rob, The Pic below is from sitting in pool acid for 2hrs and Whink over night. Nowing me... I'll probably be inpatient and chip some rock off it later on today once I get some stuff done... I got to see whats inside!!

Uncle Ron, Thanks for the info. . . I will write that down for when the time comes to sell. I'm still at the oogleing stage... if that makes sence... I've seen and handled lots of gold, but just not my own. I still sit in my recliner and check it out with a loop. Eventually that will get old(maybe) and I'll want to sell. For now, the ugly ones need oogleing too!!!!! :huh:

NvAuMiner - Doug


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Hey NV Miner,

Congrats!! Now it's looking nice a nice specimen. Looks like the gold is intact, but some specimens when you hit them with Wink or other acids such as Pool Acid, they will fall apart into hundreds of little piece. Not all specimens will have the gold all together, I've seen some turn into piles of small wires and dust .... :(

If you can see gold running from one side and maybe sticking out the other, try checking "continuity" with a voltage meter. This will let you know the gold is running through the piece.

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Thought I would finish this up by showing what was inside the rock.

There was no continuity with a volt meter so I decided to bust it up and check it out. I re-posted the original rock as found, after a little soaking, then after being busted up with the ugly / exposed side on rock, the inside and weight. I thought it was going to be bigger... but I will take that ANY DAY!!! I will probably soak it for a week and see it it cleans up better...

Have a good one,


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