Know Where You Belong And Be There

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With the price of gold we all need to make sure we have the right to be where we are at . It could be your claim are a friends just maybe you belong to a prospecting club.

 With the price of gold you don’t need to be out there alone. It’s been people killed for a lot less than what it’s bringing now and they still don’t know who the killer was.

 If can it’s best not to use headphones but if you do try to leave one ear open so not to block out the world around you.

 If someone that you don’t know comes up asking if you having any luck nugget hunting and you have best not to say. Just say you’re digging lots of trash. Yes it may not be true but it could help you live longer.

 You have someone back home that loves you so make sure you get back to them .


Edited by Ridge Runner
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  • Admin

Hi Ridge Runner,

  What I have noticed over the years when gold skyrockets high like now, is much more claim stakers (many paper hangers).  This is where you get yourself in trouble, as these paper hangers will claim anything that "might" have a trace of gold on it or near it and then want to enforce the law.  This is legal, if you own a claim, gold or not, it's yours and claim jumping is illegal for sure.  It's best to do your research and know where you are going before heading out, regardless of the price of gold.  

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