Opinions and Suggestions Please

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I am a member of the forums and have been watching and learning.

Now I have a few questions for those that wouldn't mind taking the time to give some input.

We have an Embroidery, Sign, and Graphics business and are going to have a booth at a show that our local club, Washington Prospectors Mining Association, is putting on the weekend of February 24 & 25.

What I would like to know is, when you go to a show what kind of items might be of interest?

What sayings on hats, stickers, and shirts would you be interested in buying?

Any input would be appreciated. We are trying to get some items ready for the show and would like to know what you have seen at shows, or would have liked to see at shows when it comes to these types of items.

These are some items we are thinking about:


Shirts – T-Shirt and Denim


Parking type signs

Sayings or items we are thinking about:

Club logo

I'd rather be..., Metal Detecting, Prospecting, Dredging

Prospecting, an American Tradition (with either a Eagle or Flag embroidered)

Prospector Parking Only

Washington Prospector Mining Association Member Parking, All Others will be towed.

Thanks for the help!

Either post here or email me at Rod@Dormik.com

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These are some items we are thinking about:


Shirts – T-Shirt and Denim


Parking type signs

Sayings or items we are thinking about:

Club logo

I'd rather be..., Metal Detecting, Prospecting, Dredging

Prospecting, an American Tradition (with either a Eagle or Flag embroidered)

Prospector Parking Only

Washington Prospector Mining Association Member Parking, All Others will be towed.

Thanks for the help!

Either post here or email me at Rod@Dormik.com

heehee, here's a few ideas; (Keep your minds out of the gutter boys)

With Dredger's size does matter

Detectorist do it standing up

Prospectors do it in the dirt.

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Schist happens!

Nuggets to die for!

What's that in yor hand.....Pay Dirt?

Nuggets are where you find them!

Prospecting for a Golden Tomorrow!

Gone Prospecting!

I'm not digging in the dirt! I'm prospecting!

Somewhere there's a nugget with my name on it!

I could have sent my kids to college! Instead I bought a gold detector!

I'll work your claim for free!

Have fun!


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my cousins went to CA, an all i got was this lousy hole with a heavy lump in it.

some pleasure trip! working a vacuum cleaner at the bottom of the Stanislaus.

My friends love me. I dig the hole, and after I leave, they find some real gold just 2 more inches in!

Take the scenic tour and get in shape: swing a detector, walk, see nature up close, and bring back a real gold nugget.

Don't forget the sweat bands

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Actuall there is a gold show March 17 & 18 at the Post Falls Armory in Post Falls Idaho. contact Bob Lowe at 208-687-1533 or you can catch him at your gold show the 24 and 25th. Gold fever bob. Tell him Allen sent you.

Our Show is the 21st and 22nd of April in Butte, MT if interested give me a call 406-253-1678.



I am a member of the forums and have been watching and learning.

Now I have a few questions for those that wouldn't mind taking the time to give some input.

We have an Embroidery, Sign, and Graphics business and are going to have a booth at a show that our local club, Washington Prospectors Mining Association, is putting on the weekend of February 24 & 25.

What I would like to know is, when you go to a show what kind of items might be of interest?

What sayings on hats, stickers, and shirts would you be interested in buying?

Any input would be appreciated. We are trying to get some items ready for the show and would like to know what you have seen at shows, or would have liked to see at shows when it comes to these types of items.

These are some items we are thinking about:


Shirts – T-Shirt and Denim


Parking type signs

Sayings or items we are thinking about:

Club logo

I'd rather be..., Metal Detecting, Prospecting, Dredging

Prospecting, an American Tradition (with either a Eagle or Flag embroidered)

Prospector Parking Only

Washington Prospector Mining Association Member Parking, All Others will be towed.

Thanks for the help!

Either post here or email me at Rod@Dormik.com

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