google earth

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Anyone out there in detector world been using google earth to follow extentions of diggings. Some places you can see all diggings from space and its very good for finding old diggings, other places there is no detail, but all in all it could be very handy indeed. Thanks arahi...

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Arahi, I use it. In our area, I look for the red ground. It's spotty "looking down" and it seems to have helped finding new areas that look like where we have found gold.

Gotta ask, that "666" stuff ain't no cult crap is it?


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Arahi, I use it. In our area, I look for the red ground. It's spotty "looking down" and it seems to have helped finding new areas that look like where we have found gold.

Gotta ask, that "666" stuff ain't no cult crap is it?


Hi Shep, when I find the welcome strangers great granddaddy, or the torso from the hand of faith, The number of the beast is what it will be named, by the way these both were found within fifteen minutes from were I am situated. So if you ever see the name just remember you heard it first, with that kind of cash I possibly could afford to start my own cult, Hmmmm sounds good. arahi .

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