Lost Spanish gold mine

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Hi Kim,

Interesting story, to be sure.

Be sure to follow that dream of finding it, don't put it off until you are too old.

I have a similar story, but not involving a gold mine, but a huge cavern which had been occupied by early cave dwelling man at one time, that was discovered in the early 1900's by my uncle, around Ogden Utah.

I made a map, following the directions of my uncle, then in his late 70's, and figured it would be very easy to find, as there were several well known landmarks that are still in evidence today.

Not so. The access now is almost impossible due to private and federal property issues, and overgrowth of the steep terrain, etc.

I gave the map with specific instructions on what would happen if this cave were ever to be re-discovered, to a spelunker, who looked for several years, with out success, then passed on the info to another father and son spelunking team, who about wore themselves out looking for the cave.

Thus far, as far as I know, the cave remains undiscovered, but it could be that it may have been found, but remains a secret, as are many caves, for many years, for fear they will be damaged by careless people.


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nothing to add but for general information about some of these waypoints, find a book by George Thompson called treaures along the old spanish trail, or something like that. Any book by george thompson will be interesting and spark the old search fever.

in the days of the Apache, they would go out of their way to kill any yaqui (and vice versa) which still inhabit portions of northern mexico, namely sonora and chihuahua. There's a lot of interesting places to search in Mexico, but the shakedowns and possible death will be at the hands of the narco traffickers, narco growers, meth cookers, and mexican federal police in cahoots. the wilds of the sierra madres isn't a safe place anymore to go spelunking or looking around... instead of looking at the scenery, your dead body will be forming part of it.

The positive side will be, that as a spirit, you will immediately be able to see all that you missed in the way of gold and treasure, waysigns not recognized, and hindsight science.

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