Calif. AB1032 letters needed TODAY

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Your letters are needed today to help stop this bill (AB1032). You can find all the information you need at this location below to write or fax a letter to help stop this bill :

We must work together to keep mining safe from assaults like these.

Thanks for your help.


I know that there are lots of Calif. miners on this board. It is imperitive that we send lettes today. This will be voted on in committee on June 26. A ready made letter and where to send can be found at

Just modify the letter to emphasize your own points and send one to each committee member shown.

It is dredging this time but detecting is probably not far away.


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Ken... how true... we need to support each other. I have now written four

letters regarding AB 1032. My thoughts are with the small scale suction dredgers

in the motherlode area who depend upon dredging during the dredging season

to supplement their meager income. Jobs are not plentiful in some of the small

communities and this extra source of income has traditionally been most welcome.

To some, dredging is a summer adventure... but to the local prospectors and miners

it is a needed source of income. With this thought in mind... everyone please write

a letter against AB 1032. A hand written letter is best... in your own words.

Ken... You are correct in the need we must all support each other. There will soon

be a massave assault to close BLM/USFS managed land as wilderness. The PLP is

doing its best to work for us. They are giving us the "best bang for the buck".

Please support them... jim straight

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Me again... I'm a slow learner and just now opened "got golds" link.

It seems that AB 1032 is about... "mining and dredging activites threatening

subsistence fish!...."

What is critical... IMO... is to addess the statement about "Research studies has

shown in stream mining for gold can affect or harm the reproduction of spaning

fish..... "

What are the research studies???? What, where and when... ????

It seems to dawn on me.... that this is the basic issue to address. Other

issues are "fluff."

I hope someone with computer savvy can address this issue to Chris Ralph

as he is very knowlegeable and give us needed direction regarding this "Research"


Reno Chris are you out there?

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Me again... I'm a slow learner and just now opened "got golds" link.

It seems that AB 1032 is about... "mining and dredging activites threatening

subsistence fish!...."

What is critical... IMO... is to addess the statement about "Research studies has

shown in stream mining for gold can affect or harm the reproduction of spaning

fish..... "

What are the research studies???? What, where and when... ????

It seems to dawn on me.... that this is the basic issue to address. Other

issues are "fluff."

I hope someone with computer savvy can address this issue to Chris Ralph

as he is very knowlegeable and give us needed direction regarding this "Research"


Reno Chris are you out there?

Jim (and others)

If you look here

you will find the conclusions to several studies about water quality and how dredging has little to no negative effective on water quality and hence on fish. These studies were compiled by well known fish biologists and should carry weight with the elected officials.

Thanks for all your help

Ken Coulson

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Here's a link to a letter sent to Senator Darrell Steinberg by Martin Milas who attended the June 12, 2007 WB meeting on this issue....Well written and to the point!

A new window will pop-up, just click on "open" to read it! There's nothing to worry about respective to the download.


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Ken... Thank you... I copied all 16 pages and will take it a club

meeting tonight.

We are ALL writing letters and this is more information to use.

Although not many of our group are still out dredging we support

all forms of prospecting and mining.

Most of us are into drywashing and nuggethunting.

Thanks everyone... Jim Straight.

PS Ken--- I'm still a member of the PCSC. But it is rough to drive

from my home on a Friday to the club meeting.

I have been watching this forum closely... concerned about Rob Allison

and Chris's grandmother. Both Rob, Chris and his father Steve, have been

absolutely GREAT to me over the years.

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Ken... Thank you... I copied all 16 pages and will take it a club

meeting tonight.

We are ALL writing letters and this is more information to use.

Although not many of our group are still out dredging we support

all forms of prospecting and mining.

Most of us are into drywashing and nuggethunting.

Thanks everyone... Jim Straight.

PS Ken--- I'm still a member of the PCSC. But it is rough to drive

from my home on a Friday to the club meeting.

I have been watching this forum closely... concerned about Rob Allison

and Chris's grandmother. Both Rob, Chris and his father Steve, have been

absolutely GREAT to me over the years.


Great bunch of people at PCSC but that drive to the meetings on Friday evening was too much for me.

You have to get those letters in SOON. The senate committee meets this coming tuesday 9:00. Would be best to FAX them at this late date make sure they get read before the committee meeting.


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