Monsoons hit Rich Hill Tonight

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Yo All...Just spendin' a great Monday evening sittin' here and watching the monsoons whack the Rich Hill area...I have a great view from my back yard here in Wickenburg ... Also the link shows Dodacious in our pool just before the monsoon hit :) ...Check it out... It's been a pretty hot summer so far, so I'm really hoping this is the beginning of a nugget moving, cooling down few weeks ... Cheers, Unc

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Yo Bob...Yep, fairly new...Dodacious started planting back in Feb. as I recall...Pretty awesome lawn she's created...The desert cottontails sure love it...Our lawns are like zoos now, with rabbits, quail, doves, chipmunks and the occassional coyote and javalina cruising by....Cheers, Unc

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Hey Ron,

Great looking green, get out the clubs and balls.

Looks like you are going too be in the market for a riding mower before long, or at least a couple of goats. :rolleyes::lol:

On second thought, you know how all the ladies are into the workouts these day's...............sooooooo, push mower................maybe. :unsure:;)

Bob T.

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