Bradshaws & Rich Hill Monsoon Today, Sunday

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Yo All...It's just past noon Sunday and the Bradshaws & Rich Hill are startin' to get a good pounding drenching from the monsoons...Below is the clouds building right now and the storm map also...

So, to celebrate all those nuggets that'll be rollin' toward discovery soon, the first 6 Forum Members (from all the forums) who purchase a Bradshaws Custom Map Package today will receive a new Rich Hill map for free...Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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Yep, you're right, Rob...I've seen times when one wash gets completely turned over exposing all kinds of new goodies and a wash on the other side of the hill gets almost nothing...Slow steady rains just move sand around and often cover good spots up...It's those monster downpours over 2 - 3 inches in an hour or less that bring the goodies...Cheers, Unc

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  • Admin

Hello Uncle Ron,

Probably will go out this weekend and explore some of those places where I think water might have moved some stuff around.

Any word on nuggets coming from the WSPA claims? Don't hear much about nugget finds.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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