"Short Nugget Hunt Today"

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Hello All,

This morning I decided I needed to get out for a short nugget hunt. I've been working out of town the last couple of weeks, so I needed to get behind that detector and dig some metal! :D

I decided to hit a very old placer location on the West side of the Brashaw's. I've found some nice nuggets over the years at this location, but it's loaded with old iron rubbish/trash. The area was rich in gold and was placered in the late 1800's.

Today I located (7) gold nuggets, all pretty much small, but also dug a ton of iron rubbish. It's amazing how much crap the old-timers tossed back into the gullies. :angry:

Didn't weigh the nuggets, but would guess a couple of Dwt's in total weight. Was using the Minelab GPX-4000 with the Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono along with the Coiltek Joey 10x5 Mono.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello Guys,

I've been around, just away from the PC. Been working out of town a bunch, even down in Mexico! :D

Colorado Bob - What's new on your end of the State? Have you heard anything from Elly about the club this year?

Mike C. - Nice guess, but not anywhere close to the Ponderosa Placers. This place is probably just as trashy though ...

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob, I to also thought you had sailed off the edge of the earth!! Glad you still remember how to swing that detector. I know how it is to have work cut into what we would rather be doing, the week after labor day I start a 2 week stent of working nights on a 6000 yd pour. Congrats on the nugs.


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Hey Bunk,

Ya, I received a bunch of PM's and emails asking about what happened to me. A lot going on over here right now, so I haven't had much time besides a bit of browsing on the forums.

Thanks for the comments on my recent nuggets. Have you been out pounding dirt lately? Ever go back to the spot where you found the nice one?

P.S. Ralph Bond is back out at Stanton. If you're around the 24K claims you might bump into him. Need to get out there and give him some tips on his new GPX-4000.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Rob, I did get back to my sweet spot and hit it hard for 2 very long days, no more nugs yet but I know they are there! Had to take a few weeks off to get a new toyhauler. Going down south for labor day W/E, hope to have something to show when I get back.


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Hey Rob,

Nothing much going on over here, honeydoooeeees and heat has been keeping me down for the last couple weeks.

Rest of the time I'm just bareeeeely keeping the skunk away. I'll take that back. Drove over to the hill Thurs. just to see whats going on, while there I had an extra hour so hunted a bit. Should have stayed in the truck. The skunk got me.

Bob T.

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Glad your back swinging, good haul of nuggets........ ;) ...........Been going up on weekends when its cloudy & cool with my two wheel dr. truck (think iv'e found FlakMagnets skunk :blink: ) Testing the Super Lobo & a new coil on the 3500 (wallaby DD) on the #1 push so I don't get so rusty swinging.........Went up yesterday ( lots of cat wiskers ) & then went to Elly's to pay my yearly dues..............New rule book & maps aren't ready yet..they'll be ready soon........Sounds like the Pushes will start up in October again (if my memory serves me right)....I'll let others post the 24K details & dates when things firm up...................wonderer

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Hi Rob!

Hope your work load smooths out for you to get some time in behind the detector!

Have you heard anything regarding the 24K fall pushes?

I'm looking forward to getting back over there!

Have a great weekend!


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Hello Guys,

Wonderer - Thanks! Been wanting to get back to the claims, but been very busy. I'm sure there are more nuggets in push 1 if you can dig all those darn dozer fragments out. I'm excited about the new season on the 24K Gold Hunters Club.

Karl - Been working a bunch, but still getting some time in the field. Most of my finds have been small, but picking up an average of 5 gold nuggets per trip out. Not sure how many I found so far with the GPX-4000, but I know it's over 100! :D

Haven't heard much about the club or starting push dates as of yet. The minute I hear something solid I will post it. If you hear something, let us all know.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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I've been up to the #1 push 4 times in the past 6 weeks (when weather permitted(cloudy days)).....Been doing a good job finding trash (testing coils) No gold though , I've removed over 100 peices of trash at least :blink: ....should be a lot cleaner & ready for your 4000 to get those nuggets :o;) ..........................wonderer

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