4000 pays for it's self

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I decided to weigh all of the gold that I found with my 4000.

From Mid April 2007 till Sept 24 2007 I have found 176.1 grams of gold!!

I was offered 2 prices over the last few months from 2 different gold buyers..one offered $22.00 a gram and the other 24.00 a gram.

Taking the average @ 23.00 a gram times 176.1 grams = $4,050.30 :)

This does not take into consideration the extra value of the large nuggets, just weight only.

I have hunted on an average of 6hrs per week.

I have to give Hoss a great deal of thanks for his knowledge and

charisma during these hunts and I couldn't have done it without him,

Hoss is a great hunting partner and friend.


Take care and leave no stone unturned.


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Thanks Jim

Your more than welcome for the service.

I was in for 20 years and I am now 80% disabled and only 41 years old...a high price to pay.

My comrades didn't even make it off the field.

So now I spend what time I have hunting between medical appointments.

Was it worth it? Sure it was.

We will keep everyone posted on our finds, it's nice to share.

Take care and good hunting


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Hey Alan,

It's always great to hear that people who hunt hard can pay for their metal detectors, even the expensive Minelab PI's. :o

I've paid for my GPX-4000 also and know several others here in Arizona that have also. It really only takes one nice nugget to pay for a good metal detector.

You guys are onto a great patch! Keep up the great hunting.

P.S. Where did you get your GPX-4000?

Rob Allison

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Hey Alan,

For a normal, run of the mill gold nugget, it would have to be at least 5.7 solid troy ounces to pay for a GPX-4000. I honestly haven't found one of those since the GP Extreme, but it was almost double that size and solid. :D

What, Minelab sells directly to customers now .... :P

Rob Allison

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Hello Rob

I haven't found one nearly that size, that's a great find, good for you.

My partner found that one pounder that you know about.

There out there, just have to get a coil over them.

We went out the other day and pulled more nuggets out of the patch that we worked to death, we went over it 3 times before even with an 18" mono and on the 4th time still pulled out more nuggets.

You had to hold your mouth just right to find them.

Good hunting


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Hey Alan,

Yep, you guys have recovered some great nuggets from that patch and I do know about the biggie. Those suckers are "one in a million," but are out there to be found. When someone finds a biggie it just gives me more encouragement they are still out there to be found.

Play around with different settings and various coils, you will continue to find more and more gold from that patch.


Rob Allison

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