Interesting Ore

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I was exploring some areas around Yuma about 10 miles from the old Red Cloud Mine and after a long hike in some very rough terrain came upon some old mine workings with ore dumps containing this copper looking ore. The miners trash was not what we would consider old timers, there were old welding rods and iron cots strewn about. This ore was in veins maybe 2 ft wide. The miners followed the veins to a depth of 4 or 5 ft and stacked the ore in two main ore dumps.

About 40 years ago, before I got educated and gave up on manual labor, I worked on a core drill operation in that general area. 115 degrees in the shade and there weren't no shade, but I digress. According to geologist on the site back then, we were sampling silver ore.

I walked a good mile around all sides of this area and found no signs of placer activity. Historically, there was some minor gold placering along the Colorado River in the general area, but I sure didn't find it.

The picture probably doesn't have enough detail, but the turquoise colored parts are thin flakes. The dark green material is thin layers of crystalized substance mixed with quartz crystals.

What is this stuff? Is it indicative of something more interesting?


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I've seen similar around some of the mines out in Gold Basin. The one where there is quite a bit of it is said to have produced primarily copper, however secondary minerals to that mine was gold.


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