MineLab GPX 5000

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Well its after the first of the year, I guess the 4000 is not being made anymore, only going to last untill existing ones are sold. I wonder when! Not if the 5000 will be out? My guess is around March of this year. Lets see, softwhere formated? color screen? Bulit in GPS? Hopes? Grubstake

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  • Admin

Hey Gary,

I seriously doubt we will see anything this year. The sales on the GPX-4500's are great even though the economy is taking a big dump! My best guess would be sometime in 2010, but I could be wrong. Keep in mind, Minelab normally releases new PI detectors when the market will be good and around times like X-Mas and such where they can get a bunch of sales right out of the gate.

If you really want to know, keep an eye on the Australian Gold Forums. Any new releases from Minelab will be released in Australia first. The field testing and rumors will leak from there first and get onto the forums.

Wishing you all a successful 2009 season.

Rob Allison

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Not a bad ideal Wonder, I knew a guy that used to dredge on the Merced river, he fixed up his air hose, with a wire running down from the top, with water proof headphones, hooked to a radio, so he could listen to tunes while dredging. It worked. Everyone though he was nuts. Grubstake

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Not a bad ideal Wonder, I knew a guy that used to dredge on the Merced river, he fixed up his air hose, with a wire running down from the top, with water proof headphones, hooked to a radio, so he could listen to tunes while dredging. It worked. Everyone though he was nuts. Grubstake

I actually have a waterproof box from Otterbox for my Ipod. I can listen to music while dredging underwater, better than sliced bread. Rolling Stones anyone?????

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