A Special Thanks to all the Posters

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  • Admin

Hello All,

I had a chance to go back and read some of the recent posts and it's sure great when a bunch of guys toss in their two cents and contribute information. I know there are a lot of lurkers out there that just read and might not be really PC savy, but if you get a chance jump on here and say HI. ;)

Just wanted to send a Special Thank You for all the forum members that really contribute their information to the forums.

Wishing you all Health, Wellness and Success in the 2009 Season.

Warm regards,

Rob Allison

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I agree with Grubstake. Rob, you are the one that makes this forum happen. Thanks for taking the time to provide this forum for us. It will be even more difficult for you to find time for us when your baby arrives. Thanks again and have an great new year! Take care.



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Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a here is to a very Happy New Year Rob!



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I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I hope New Years treated you just as well.

I am one of the ones who does not post a lot....leaching information from people for my own personal use :D :D lol

I would like to say that I appreciate all the frequent, knowledgeable people who post information that elevates my prospecting game. I feel like I have a head start thanks to many here.

Maybe someday I'll have something usefull to say (anyone having Automotive or Computer problems? lol)

Till then, Thanks to Rob for providing the Forum in the first place...(and for selling me my Eureka Gold and Coiltek 15"WOT)

...and thanks to everyone who gives out Experience for free....because it might not be an even exchange, but Knowledge becomes experience..and I appreciate that.


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