4500 battery issue???

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Having a problem w/ my Lith battery for my 4500, that I've noticed in the last few weeks. My normal mode of operation is I detect every Saturday for approx 5-7 hours. Sunday, I unload my truck and put the battery on the charger and leave it there till Monday. I check charge, always 8.0+, then put the battery back in the backpac pouch for the following weekend (have to, one time almost left out without battery!)

Last Saturday, I checked the battery check on the detector, about half way thru, it read 7.6v. Sunday, when I put it on the charger, it read 7.3v. Charged last Sunday till light turned green and 8.0+v and put in pac. This being Friday, was getting everything ready, I checked battery. It read 7.6v after a week of sitting not connected to anything! It's on the charger right now for tomorrow.

I'm following directions as far as I can tell. Is battery going bad and is it finally going to just give up on me in the field???? Don't know how long the warranty is and had detector approx 2 years(???).

Appreciate any info.


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Dave, read article, it mentioned all but the 4500, which I'm running. Size and weight looks good tho!

I detected only 4 hours last Sat. At end of day, batt showed 7.6v. Today (Tuesday, 3 days later) rechecked and it showed 7.6 before I put it on charger. Guess I was just sweating the small stuff! but will keep an eye on it!

Thanks, Shep

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  • Admin

Hey Shep,

I haven't heard of many problems with the GPX-4500 batteries beyond what you posted. When you check your battery it will show 8+ volts for some time. You might have up to 8.4 volts on the battery and it might take several hours, if not longer, before it drops down to 7.9 or lower. I've been able to hunt two solid days on the GPX-4500 battery without it going dead.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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Rob, might of been just a fluke??? Last weekend, all seemed okay. Not sure about running for two days tho. Was just wondering if I was doing anything wrong in my charging. Tried something different this weekend, but will run it again next week.

Thanks for reply, Shep

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  • Admin

Hello Shep and All,

Thinking of it, I have never had a problem with any Li-Ion Batteries (Pocket Rocket or Minelab ones). A suggestion, and many might already do this, but I charge them the entire week before use.

For example: I will start charging the Li-Ion batteries Sunday night and leave them on all the way up to Friday evening. I will take them off and place them in my backpack. I will hunt Saturday and Sunday and then place them back on the charger Sunday evening when I return home. I let them charge the entire week before using them. I know Li-Ion batteries don't like to sit on the shelves for a long time.

Just a suggestions for Li-Ion users.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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