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This too shall pass!

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I have learned to understand that life is not measured in years and days. I believe it is measured in the perfection of one's soul. When God needs someone with him, it is then He will take them.

The bible does say not to lean on your own understanding, but his. When we hurt and don't understand things, it is then that we must remember that God is still in control and he will make things right in his own perfect timing.

I too went through a horrible time earlier in my life and ended up getting physically sick and in a doctors office where I read a poster on the wall that said, "Today is a part of your life! You have make it count!" It helped me make a new start from then. I hope it helps you too. You will look back someday soon and realize that although you did not choose to go through this, it still is a time of tremendous and valuable personal growth. I also read a poem during that period that was on the back of a church bulletin that I remember to this day. I will share it with you and then keep you in my prayers.

The Weaver

My life is but a weaving

between my Lord and me,

I cannot choose the colors

He worketh steadily

Oft times he weaveth sorrow

and I in foolish pride

Forget he sees the upper

and I the underside

For not until the loom is silent

and shuttle cease to fly

Shall God unfold the pattern

and explain the reasons why

The dark threads are as needful

in the Weavers skillful hands

As the Threads of Gold and Silver

In the pattern he has planned

Author Unknown


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