Nice Surprise from ML repair USA today, Not.

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Hi All

Beware of the ML service center in IL.

I sent my trusty GPX 4000 into the the IL repaire center about 3 weeks ago. Never herd a thing from them untill today, It seams my GPX 4000 is totaly fried. Will not power up, or any thing, and a new board is 1100.000. The thing is it was working fine on Thursday, and I shipped it on Friday the next day. To have just the front switchs replaced, The mode select, and a coil/Rx switch EST 95.00. Now that has become 1100. Because my detector is fried some how?????? If that is not bad enough They don't have parts to fix anything that old(GPX 4000)?????? no telling when they will get them. I asked how did my detector get fried and they just replyed that it was that way when they opened the box. So I asked what parts failed, reply we have not trouble shot it so we don't know what parts failed but we do know we don't have the parts to fix it Wasn't the 4000 and 4500 the flagship detectors 8 months ago? Dealers where selling new in the box 4000 a year ago. What realy want to know is how did my detector get fried in the box from here to the service center???? Did some moron there short it out when they plugged it in to checkit out?

Turned the corner don't think so. Not a happy camper.



Thats not good. How can they say its fried if they have not looked into it yet. I cant believe they wouldnt have the parts to fix it, unless they just ran out and are expecting more.


Thank you for this post. I have been doing some saving to purchase a used GPX4000, but after this I don't know what I should do. Not to mention I have tried calling Minelab's customer sales support for the past week to ask some specific questions, and no matter what time of day I call (even multiple attempts per day) all I ever get is a answering machine. I leave messages but have yet to get a return call.

This is really a worrisome situation for me. I am really stretching myself over a barrel with my decision to purchase the unit even at a used price. I certainly would not be able to afford to spend another $1100 to repair it if it failed to work properly. I am sure they are a busy company, but when you're charging several thousand dollars for detectors, shouldn't you be able to afford to hire at least one person to answer the phones? :unsure:


Hey CH , That is total BS....How the heck could your detector be that messed up during shipping? Wonder if they mixed it up with another one? Bet they wouldnt own up to it though :rolleyes:

Sure makes me glad to have my historic, beat up, dropped, kicked, dirt shoveled on to, keeps on ticking, gold killin SD2200 B):ph34r:

Knock on wood :huh:


Ouch man, wow. First of all, if you're sending it in just for knob replacements, unless someone was a complete scammer, they'd have to know it was functioning going in. Whether or not someone fubar'd it at minelab they should just charge for the knob replacement. Like someone else said, how much can the electronics of a mainboard be with labor to solder it together, $200 tops?

They already made their money off that unit when it sold new, no need to gouge a customer.

I would also check with the shipping company if you had insurance. File a claim.

Man, bad on minelab. Like you said, it was top of the line not too long ago. Pretty bad support life and even manufacturing of parts for those "older" machines. I hope you get it resolved with not too much out of pocket.


CH, That's the worse story to date! I'm looking for them to do the right thing for you and send you a new in the box unit out...But, I hope you insured the package.

Good luck,


  • Admin

Hey Colorado,

The GPX4000 hasn't been sold new for at least 3 years if not longer. The GPX4500 ran for about 2.5 years before they released the GPX4800 & 5000.

No excuse, Minelab needs to re-evaluate your unit. The GPX4000 is not that old of a unit, so have a hard time understanding why they don't have the parts. I know they have a bunch of new people down there.

I would request to talk with someone higher up to see what the heck happened.

Let me know if I can help somehow.

Rob Allison


This is a good reason to buy from Rob, or Doc or one of the other dealers that are as passionate about finding gold as they are about selling a product they believe in. Doc took care of me when I was having problems with a GP Extreme. Since then that detector has found enough gold and meteorites to pay for itself two or three times. If you want these guys to help you when the chips are down, we all need to keep them in business by buying from them when it comes time for a new detector or accessories. I would buy from them in a heart beat regardless of how this turns out. If it was me having this problem I would be giving Rob or Doc a call with my hat in my hand asking them to get involved. Hope it turns out OK for you.


Goosh Joe I did by it from a ML dealer Steve H. at AMDS in AK. great guy. It was a great detector. The only thing it needed was two new front panel switchs. The coil/Rx switch was real loose and the Mode switch was getting loose. Damn it's not the dealers that should shoulder the service burden. I called ML before I sent it in to make sure they knew what was needed. I had one last quick hunt on thursday worked with out hickup, got home brought in the house unplugedit. I boxed it and shipped it Friday, they got it tuesday three weeks ago called once got no returne call, called again last week and was told it was inline for repair. back in 15-30 working days. Then the call today. First thing he told me was that there nothing was wrong with the switchs, The real problem was that the detector would not power up at all. The new card would be 1100.00 when they get one from OZ. You could have knocked me over with feather. What the hell happened to my detector? Damn, it isn't like this was an Fleebag E-bay detector. God they sell 6000.00 detectors and 2 dollar service. I never asked for any thing, I was going to pay for the repair. est 115.00 not 1100.00. God I'm just getting madder over this crap. :spank:



PS Hey Lucky

It don't look like I'll be needing that new 8" mono I just bought :angry: If you send your 4000 in, send it to OZ, you'll get better sevice and a working unit when you get it back.

Take care my friend.



Hey Rob this detector had high Sn and was well taken care of Steve knew the owner and it was as he said. I think Steve sold it to the owner. I have about 20 hrs on it and it never gave me any problems. Being my first ML I did a lot switch flipping and the two I used the most got lose and it was hard to tell which coil was selected. Just wanted it ready for the summer up here. Now I don't have anything. Should have sent to OZ.




This is one of those bad situations where someone could get screwed. I'm fairly new to these forums so I try to respectfully participate without getting a :spank::D But if any dealers here have any pull with minelab, this sure sounds like a time to help out a member. Sounds like he's getting the shaft a little bit here...


Goosh Joe I did by it from a ML dealer Steve H. at AMDS in AK. great guy. It was a great detector. The only thing it needed was two new front panel switchs. The coil/Rx switch was real loose and the Mode switch was getting loose. Damn it's not the dealers that should shoulder the service burden. I called ML before I sent it in to make sure they knew what was needed. I had one last quick hunt on thursday worked with out hickup, got home brought in the house unplugedit. I boxed it and shipped it Friday, they got it tuesday three weeks ago called once got no returne call, called again last week and was told it was inline for repair. back in 15-30 working days. Then the call today. First thing he told me was that there nothing was wrong with the switchs, The real problem was that the detector would not power up at all. The new card would be 1100.00 when they get one from OZ. You could have knocked me over with feather. What the hell happened to my detector? Damn, it isn't like this was an Fleebag E-bay detector. God they sell 6000.00 detectors and 2 dollar service. I never asked for any thing, I was going to pay for the repair. est 115.00 not 1100.00. God I'm just getting madder over this crap. :spank:



PS Hey Lucky

It don't look like I'll be needing that new 8" mono I just bought :angry: If you send your 4000 in, send it to OZ, you'll get better sevice and a working unit when you get it back.

Take care my friend.


I am with you Colorado Gold Man and I know Steve H. up in Alsaka is first class. Let these guys provide the service after the sale that they promise and deliver again and again. I don't know what is up with the service center you sent it to. I hope it isn't too late for someone who sells and stands behind Minelab to get involved to help you.


Thank you for this post. I have been doing some saving to purchase a used GPX4000, but after this I don't know what I should do. Not to mention I have tried calling Minelab's customer sales support for the past week to ask some specific questions, and no matter what time of day I call (even multiple attempts per day) all I ever get is a answering machine. I leave messages but have yet to get a return call.

This is really a worrisome situation for me. I am really stretching myself over a barrel with my decision to purchase the unit even at a used price. I certainly would not be able to afford to spend another $1100 to repair it if it failed to work properly. I am sure they are a busy company, but when you're charging several thousand dollars for detectors, shouldn't you be able to afford to hire at least one person to answer the phones? :unsure:

Hey Chris the 4000 is one of the best detectors ever made dont discount it , buy yourself that 4000 ive had 6 different Minelabs and never had too send one in and even though i switch between a 4500 and 5000 i find myself missin old excalibur (my old 4000) dont get me wrong i love the newer versions too just something about it good luck and big nugs........Justin


Hey Chris the 4000 is one of the best detectors ever made dont discount it , buy yourself that 4000 ive had 6 different Minelabs and never had too send one in and even though i switch between a 4500 and 5000 i find myself missin old excalibur (my old 4000) dont get me wrong i love the newer versions too just something about it good luck and big nugs........Justin

Also detector mods in Australlia can fix any minelab problem cheaper and with a better waranty , that is if you ever have one


Will throw my .02 in. It seems ML service in Chitown isn't any better than service in LV when it closed down. I appreciate all the support from the dealers, but where the heck is management? Been reading these posts since I had problems w/ my 4500; is it my imagination or are there more 5000s going in for service than previous models in the past? No parts for the 4000?

I have the money for a 5K, but will continue to wait till I hear service has improved.

Will throw another recommendation in for Woody at Detector Mods in AU. He fixed mine after a trip to LV Minelab service.



Totally agree with you, GoldMan, that it isn't the dealers who should need to get involved in the service process.

We are lucky to have honorable & conscientious people like Rob, Doc and others to deal with, but service isn't their role.

I'm sending a copy of this link to Minelab with a few words about their service dept.


Here's the email I just sent to Minelab Sales Australia and cc'd to Minelab USA.

Feel free to send yours too:




I'm a GPX5000 owner and have been happy hunting with it in the southwestern U.S.

I'm also quite active on prospector forums including Rob Allison's.

I just wanted to alert you to a complaint about the Illinois service department which might cost you revenue.

The link is


Might be a good issue to nip in the bud since most of us detectorists are pretty wired in and word gets around.

Thank you!

Notorious Kelly


Hey CGM,

Any word on whether this has been rectified or not? Inquiring minds wanna know...LOL!! Hope it all works out for you.



Yes it has just been rectified by the Manager of the service center in IL. I have just completed a second call from Awout an was asured the the detector did not have a blown card, nor does it need repair. The switches will be replaced at no charge and my detector is own it's way home as I write this. Thanks to Awout and Minelab. Also want to thanks all of you great guys and especially Kelly. See the update post also.

Thank you my friends



CH, glad to hear, all's worked out (in Chi-town) and awaiting a good report when you receive it and try it out. Hope maybe someone has been woken up with all this response and hopefully will react. Also hope, this isn't some throwing some sugar to the mice(us).

Hope to hear from others soon, with problems w/ the service dept, and a good report.



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