Recommendations on lightweight prospecting handgun

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I've been wanting to get a small handgun to carry while prospecting for a couple years after I had a bad experience with some drunk hunters who scared the hell out of me with their carelessness. Not to shoot them of course, but to fire off warning shots so they dont accidentally shoot me while stupid drunk (Being stupid drunk while wandering through a forest carrying a gun is a really bad idea). Anyway I came to the conclusion that I like the Ruger hand guns mentioned by Uncle Ron, I will probably get the LC9 - the 9mm version that is slightly larger than the LCP. The price is reasonable too. The LCP just seemed so small I had a hard time holding it securely in my hand. Guns of a 22 caliber just seemed too small to do anything or make any significant noise. Be sure to try holding any small gun you consider in your hand to see how it feels to you. Like I mentioned, some are so small they are hard to hold.

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A little advise:

If your wondering how close can I get to a rattler?

Before killing a Rattler with your pick, keep in mind they can strike approx. 2/3rds the length of their body.

Now how long is your handle? :huh:

If you dont have a gun, cave man style with a rock may be a better choice or just leave them alone.

Take care out there, AzNuggetBob

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Sorry about the loss of your cat Gary. I don't have a problem taking out snakes that invade my space. and Im probably going to get a reply about this statement but I think I've already answered it. Take care Gary AzNuggetBob

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I'm glad that cat loves you Grubby because her eyes tell me not to get too close to her. Looks like a mighty fine feline, they do live longer than a dog sometimes. Glad to see you are planning to get out a little when it's cooler.

Say Grub is that colt cocked and ready, looks like it?

Old Tom

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Why do I have 0 warning points under my posting number total

no one else does

Rob I was kidding about riding shotgun and seeing all your secret patches

Dont kick me off

please Im begging you


dont forget I have guns

just kidding about that too

I dont need you Rob for your secret patches I have a BIG spotting scope HAHAHAHA

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I also have 0 warning points, guess I'm the next to go.

My choice is the S/W 38 cal. snub nose. It fits in my pocket and goes with me everywhere. Been carrying legally for twenty or more years and I don't leave home without it. It has hips around the hammer and won't catch on anything when drawn. It weighs 16 oz loaded and I hardly know it's there.

Old Tom

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maybe you can just see your own warning points because I dont see yours Tom but I do see mine

maybe Rob gives a prize away at the end of the year for the most or least warning points

I heard rumors to the effect that Rob is giving away a GPX 5000 to his 5 millionith, millionyanth, millioneth what you get the idea customer

and nobody knows but Rob what number he is at now

excitement is abounding tention fills the air so thick you can cut it with a knife

who will it be

on what date will it happen

will it be online or an order in person

maybe at Stanton outing

stay tuned for the answers to all these questions



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I guess you can only see your own Roger. I don't know really what it means. My wife has been warning me for fifty six years and it don't mean a thing.

I'd like to get in on that free give away, maybe he'll give away his old hand gun. Hehe. I only carry to ward off two legged snakes, I leave Mr. no sholders alone in the bush. At home it's a different ball game.

Old Tom

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the suggestions on lightweight handguns. Now I have to do some more thinking, still toggling between a .22 or now maybe a .38. I'm looking for something small, lightweight and something that can at least stop desert animals if needed.


Rob Allison

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22 mag is a serious round and Hornady has come out with an especially effective new round. I'm with Frank C... have a Noth American Arms Black Widow I acquired 20 years ago. Mrs El Dorado loves to carry it too, it's her favorite. My main detecting area is chock full of bears, so I need a bit more of a potent round. I carry a Ruger Blackhawk in .45LC and use hand loads that easily match a 44 mag plus the shotshells will destroy a snake and get some serious attention from anything 2 or 4 legged. It's heavy and certainly not my suggestion for you........ but the Black Widow (in 22 mag) certainly is. Price is very good and they are rugged as heck.


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  • Wow Rob you stirred the pot with that post.3 pages and 900 views and still going.You received some very good info.and advice.Check out Taraus they have a nice hammerless revolver and in .38 cal would be a nice pistol the .38 cal is pleasant to shoot. Just another thought.
  • Mike

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