Surprise AZ. Getting pounded

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It's a funny thing Grub, I live in Glendale and we got a couple of drops here. Yeah, they got pounded but it only messed up our windshields. I love the rain wish we would get more, but then this wouldn't be called a desert.

Old Tom

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It was probably a suprise to them snakes. That town grew in size at an alarming rate in the last twenty years and I don't think that they put in all the proper storm drain that they needed for a downpour like that. Poor planning happens a lot here.

Old Tom

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Yep... I got caught in it out working a patch ... Had to haul ass on my quad through blinding rain for about 6 miles in the back country of LSD ... Soaked to the bone ... But I did squeek out a little half gram nugget just before the faucet turned on ... Cheers, Unc

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Got a bath and it wasn't even Saturday night, lol. That's what we need here west of you to renew some of the washes. They got filled up some but didn't scour them out enough to mean much. Oh well, we'll just wait for the next one.

Old Tom

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  • Admin

Hello All,

Well we live out in the country, so it can flash flood in our area. It did that very thing, all the major washed ran and it flooded some homes there were built in the lower areas, torn down fences and flooded some streets to where they closed the roads. There are some huge cells in the areas right now dumping a bunch of rain. Hopefully it don't do it again.

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Hey Rob

Hope everthing is ok at your place. We got pounded out here in Congress too.blew out my computer twice.

The strange thing is these monsooners came down from the North? They say we may be getting another round tomorrow.

You know how these monsooners are, hit and miss. Take Care AzNuggetBob

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The strange thing is these monsooners came down from the North?

Bob, thats due to global warming.

When the polar ice cap in the Bradshaws melts a little, the vapor turn to clouds or condensates to create thunderstorms. Cold air is attracted to warm air, so the cells have a tendency to move south to the deserts where the warmer air is. Then it downpours on the poor folks that purchased houses in known flood districts such as Surprise. . :D

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WOW... Rob, I'm glad that that you and your family 'weathered' the storm. Gosh Bob, that goes for

all of the folks in Congress too. Uncle Ron reports that he got soaked to the bone. Tom mentioned

he got a bath and Adam mentions global warming. I report we were dry but seveal nearby towns

to the west were flooded. Gary in Mariposa mentions that all they got was heat. I'm glad that all

of you are safe. Mother Nature can be "mean." One gullywasher can do more damage in one storm

than all of the small-scale miners can do in years. So eveyone be careful. Best to All.... jim

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Yep... I got caught in it out working a patch ... Had to haul ass on my quad through blinding rain for about 6 miles in the back country of LSD ... Soaked to the bone ... But I did squeek out a little half gram nugget just before the faucet turned on ... Cheers, Unc

Hey Unc:

Glad you got a nug out of the storm :) got memories to last a lifetime.

GL to you

Tom H.

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Bob, thats due to global warming.

When the polar ice cap in the Bradshaws melts a little, the vapor turn to clouds or condensates to create thunderstorms. Cold air is attracted to warm air, so the cells have a tendency to move south to the deserts where the warmer air is. Then it downpours on the poor folks that purchased houses in known flood districts such as Surprise. . :D

Dood....lay off the booze!

We all know its because of Obama and his policies. :P

This one was a wierd one....had cells that hit different spots. hunting spot!

Taker easy.

Tom H.

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