GOLD AT $1660.00

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Hey Guys,

I only hunt in one setting most of the time, it's called "Any Gold!" :P

I'm actually glad as much as I hate to say it that the BLM increased claim fees. There are too many groups claiming anything they can slap a mineral claim on (minerals or no minerals). This was all due to the price of gold spiking. At $300-400 per ounce, you could go anywhere you wanted to hunt gold. At around $800-1000 more claims were popping up in the more productive districts, but at $1500 and higher, claims are everywhere ....

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

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I agree with you 100% Rob, I dont care if someone has a claim or as many as they want as long as they work them and it should be their right to do so, but is pisses me off to no end when I see a couple (2 People) have 10 claims (400 acres) and I know they dont plan on working them or doing their assesment work. Just for sale. :angry: I ran into 1 fellow a couple months ago in a wash I had just stolen a couple pieces of gold out of. No sign of a claim marker anywhere. He told me it was his claim and would appreciate it if I left I talked to him abit about marking his claim and he stated people keep tearing down his signs, having the same happen to me I believed him. I did leave after I got his name. I did some LR2000 work and 30 days later His Notice of location was filed and dated the day I ran into him and then found He and one other had the 400 acres. 10, 40 acre claims.

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  • Admin

Hey Dirtscience,

I could sit here for hours writing about what you mentioned. Most of the groups out there that are selling on Ebay and such are "paperhangers." Once they know they have a lead to sell the claim(s), then run down to the BLM and County and file the paperwork, then run out into the field and half ass stake the claim. Backdating claim location has always been a trick for paperstakers.

I've even had paperstakers find a location marker of mine that was recent and then try to pre-date my location date so they could get the claim.

The best method to elliminate this is to make sure you take pictures of your location monument and corner markets with a date stamp on the pictures. Take plenty of pictures of your new claim showing no other markers. This can be used in court if needed.

Rob Allison

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