How to successfully dig trash

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Hey guys....

I uploaded some videos in the VIDEO/UTUBE forum of a couple of nice mellow targets I found today.

Didnt turn out to be yellow. This was more of a practice run on taking videos and posting.

Did you know............a small stick screwed in the bottom of the camera works just dandy for a tripod? :)

Enjoy the day.

Tom H.

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Hey Tom,

I heard Pops say that wasn't here the last time I was here. I got out monday and I had the same thing happen to me in a patch where I thought I had most of the trash out of. I think all the moisture in the ground has renewed the iron halos.I dug little wires just like that.


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Hey Tom,

I heard Pops say that wasn't here the last time I was here. I got out monday and I had the same thing happen to me in a patch where I thought I had most of the trash out of. I think all the moisture in the ground has renewed the iron halos.I dug little wires just like that.



It seems like either what you said or it flipped them over a bit to show thier bellies so we could find them :)

Either way, it was a really good day out and I dont have to think about that part of the wash for long time.

Tom H.

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The video looks good but there is one thing you may want to ad to the next one on digging trash.just a suggestion, I like using a magnet, it saves a lot of time and trouble sorting through the scoop. now I do things a little differently than

most I like my magnet in the end of my pick handle rather than on the head.

now if I could just come up with a lead magnet!. Hmmm.smiley-think004.gif AzNuggetBob

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The video looks good but there is one thing you may want to ad to the next one on digging trash.just a suggestion, I like using a magnet, it saves a lot of time and trouble sorting through the scoop. now I do things a little differently than

most I like my magnet in the end of my pick handle rather than on the head.

now if I could just come up with a lead magnet!. Hmmm.smiley-think004.gif AzNuggetBob

Hey Bob: a strong magnet on the pick. I was in such a small area...I just decided to dig it out. Trying to give myself a little excitement.

There is SO much black sand in that area I would have had 5 chia pets by the time I got to the target :) Were talking black sand that sounds like a nice target with the 5000. It is the hotest area I have ever hunted...but thats a good really tuned my ears.

Lot of times those little rusty guys dont get picked up with the magnet. Then again...I have hit a target....dug it out and it running the coil all over the ground....where the heck did it go??? and then DOH...lets check the pick....and there it is. :) The heat does wonderful things to your mind when your out there. :)

Tom H.

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"dug it out and it disappeared.", that's why I put the magnet on the handle, Digging hole,check the hole with detector , target still there, flip your pick around stick magnet in the hole and pile. check again target gone--- Trash!. more control.

chia pets :lol: :lol: I like that. but its another reason I dont like the magnet on the head. when your digging hard with a full load of chia pets on the head sometimes they slam back into the hole. more confusion, just what I need. :lol:AzNuggetBob

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"dug it out and it disappeared.", that's why I put the magnet on the handle, Digging hole,check the hole with detector , target still there, flip your pick around stick magnet in the hole and pile. check again target gone--- Trash!. more control.

chia pets :lol: :lol: I like that. but its another reason I dont like the magnet on the head. when your digging hard with a full load of chia pets on the head sometimes they slam back into the hole. more confusion, just what I need. :lol:AzNuggetBob

Ya know....your going to drill a hole in the magnet and put it on the end. Slow drill....and some silicone.

Gonna take a bit to get used to the new set up....but, I think its the right way to go.


Tom H.

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Tom buy a super magnet with a hole already in it. or just epoxy it in. thats another nice thing about being in the handle less abuse. I screwed up some of my best bits trying to drill them. Diamond core bits drill them well with lots of oil if you have them. also don't over heat the magnet as they will lose the magnetism. been there done that. AzNuggetBob

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Tom buy a super magnet with a hole already in it. or just epoxy it in. thats another nice thing about being in the handle less abuse. I screwed up some of my best bits trying to drill them. Diamond core bits drill them well with lots of oil if you have them. also don't over heat the magnet as they will lose the magnetism. been there done that. AzNuggetBob

Eeeets done and on on the handle. :)

Went through two bits.slow and lots of oil..but goter dun.

It sure squeels a to keeper cool with water and oil.

Tom H.

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