You watching "Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice?"

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Hello All,

Just curious if any of you are watching the new "Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice" series? I actually prefer this show over the "Gold Rush" show since I really have a passion for gold dredging. I spent my first 5 years or better dredging most of the gold bearing creeks/rivers here in Arizona. Even though my success was nothing like metal detecting, I actually enjoy it more. I like the hard work and then at the end of the day getting to pan down and see what you sucked up.

There are talking about El Nino potentially this year. I have my fingers crossed .... I have several creeks waiting to see my Monster 4-inch ... :blush:

Rob Allison

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I'm not watching the sea

gold rush South America

and will not be watchin golsh rush AK

I do not like stupid

even tho I get there once in awhile

still dont like it

and Todd is beyond stupid


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Hello All,

Just curious if any of you are watching the new "Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice" series? I actually prefer this show over the "Gold Rush" show since I really have a passion for gold dredging. I spent my first 5 years or better dredging most of the gold bearing creeks/rivers here in Arizona. Even though my success was nothing like metal detecting, I actually enjoy it more. I like the hard work and then at the end of the day getting to pan down and see what you sucked up.

There are talking about El Nino potentially this year. I have my fingers crossed .... I have several creeks waiting to see my Monster 4-inch ... :blush:

Rob Allison

I'll tune in and see what its about. It looks interesting.

That has got to be so bleeping cold doing that!

I know when I used to dredge the bradshaws in the snow melt.....that was cold to me!

I would dredge for a hour and hobble up to the fire to warm my feet and numb hands....dern waders would be smoking and my feet were still frozen. Then you get a rock jamb and the water is pouring in.....beat on the hose with the rubber mallet...split the hose...try and get the duct tape to stick and patch it up...... Ahhh....the good ol days. :) Best hose I ever found was the stuff they use for servicing the fuel tanks at the gas stations. It wasnt clear but I could beat on it all day long and never hurt it.

Cant imagine fully submersing in ice water. Man, im getting cold just thinking about it....oh wait...that feels good :)

That would sure be nice if we get a bunch of rain from the El Nino. Fill up the lakes, water table, wash my car, and scrub up some new gold.

Tom H.

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A show about gold is better than all of these other dozen or so fake "reality" shows that have been pouring onto the screen. I enjoy all of the gold shows, even though the drama can get quite obsurd.

As for the Alaska ocean dredging under the ice or in the summer, I have a hard time believing how much gold they are finding. Some of these guys should be buying better equipment with all that gold they presume to have. In the summer show , they were suffering from constant breakdowns , sinking boats , running out of gas etc, and everytime, the culpret was some old junk, jimmy rigged, crap, piece of equipment that should have been retired and replaced a long time ago. I mean, with all that gold yer finding :wacko:

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I would really like to see something like this when im out sometime. Just to see how a flash flood works.

Excuse the language....

Tom H..

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  • Admin

Hey Adam,

What they don't show you for the most time is duration or time. Once show could cover weeks if not a month of work. The gold is there, I've been there and seen it. Most aren't doing that well, but the guys that have access to good leases and have good equipment are getting very good gold.

Ocean dredging is much different than dredging on a River in California, working a creek in Arizona and such. Most of the equipment has to be modified, or built from scratch to take the beaten of the ocean's current. Many believe you can just run up to Nome with a Keene 5 inch or so and find a bunch of gold.

Dredging is also very physical and mental at times. I can't tell you how many times I used to take guys with me dredging with just a 3 or 4 inch here in Arizona and they would end up spending most of their time on the bank of the creek while I did all the rock moving and dredging. Most would say the water is too cold or after about an hour their back was hurting. I used to dredge for 8-10 hours straight, just stopping to fuel up the engines, glance at the carpet in the header box and jump back into the water.

One season I was dredging in shorts, no wet suit and a guy walked up on me. I still can remember what he said, "What the hell, you from Alaska?" I just laughed and said, "Nope, Arizona Native!" :P The water temps were probably around 35-40 degrees.

I wish I had all my old dredging pictures, I had holes 10-15 foot long, 5-10 foot deep and cleaned to bedrock. All the rocks were hand stacked along the hole and the larger ones rolled back towards the back of the hole.

Man, I sure miss it ....

Rob Allison

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You really need to get some time off to come play in the water! I find myself doing 90% of the work too and i can dress for any occasion LOL!

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