Networking at School pays off in Nuggets

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As many know I went back to college three years ago, and it has put a hurt on the detecting for me. My best buddy lucky put a foot in my ass about getting back into the gold fields! Last year I sold my GPX4000 while the rage of Sudan was paying crazy dollars. I got a healthy amount for it, but lost about 10oz - 20oz of gold from not detecting. When it comes to a team detecting Rick and I make a good one. Much of the time we don't have to talk, we already know what each others plans are. If we find a couple nugs, get on the radio and yell "help me clean this patch out." I sure couldn't ask for a better skilled, or better friend out in the field, plus Robbin finds the big nugs and feeds us :-)

Anyways back to the school thing, I met a guy is my atmospheric physics class who lives right outside of Oroville. I got to talking with him, and it turns out they have couple drainage's that have some hand worked tailings. My new buddy Matt said they are getting the backhoe to tear them down and redo the ditches for the ranch. Of course I asked the question, so the date was set for today. Lucky and I were out there by the crack of dawn. There was a lot of trash in the tailings, but underneath them were workable. I popped two quick dinks under the first one he pushed out of the way, and gave Lucky number two tailing push. Man! Rick gets over that fresh ground and pops a nice one almost 3 dwt! Half way through the third push the damn backhoe runs out of fuel. I poked around in the tailing and was able to pull out three more dinks. The fresh push seems to leave a very strong mineral echo that needs to dry for a day or two for best results. Stuff broke down Rick and I left with the gold, and made plans to return. I ended up with 5 nugs for a total of 1.5dwt Rick shut the door on me with his 2.7dwt nug. Much more to come after they get done working on drainage on their project, ours will begin! Networking at college might just pay off!


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  • Admin

Hey Nuggetslayer,

Are you saying you're up for a challenge? LOL ...

Great looking gold you guys found. Always great to network, it's amazing what you might find out about spots. Hope you guys can get back and work more of the tailings or maybe virgin ground underneath.

Keep us updated,

Rob Allison

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Yep, that was some pretty good dirt! There is a sweet spot in that ditch the old timers missed and Matt's Dad has the coldest beer in Butte County!

Rob, team contest? Nope, Jeff and I are happy just to keep the skunk away and a little rattle in our poke

Until our next hunt,


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Damn Nice job guys! That sounds like a blast I love the feel you get when in virgin ground!

Jeff, you are right about Rick and Robbin They are one of a kind people with old souls, and gold radar.


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