BLM fees, open claims, closed claims and such

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Have a question.....

I see the fees for owning a claim have gone up and it may week out some of the paper hangers.

When will we know if this has happened?

What im asking......whats the dead line for paying up on your claims?

I have a pretty cool program called MineCache that shows the claims on Google earth along with the info about the claim.

Its linked to the BLM/LR2000 and keeps up to date on the claims.

Just wondering when I can expect to see the true results of claims being dropped or not.


Tom H.

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The deadline is always in their hands by 12:01am on 9/1. I wouldn't bank on it bein pushed out, either.

That being said, though, LR2000 will take weeks to a month, at least, to show the changes. By that time one of three things will happens, and you Fab guess where my bet is placed:

Lots of open claims will exist as paper hangers got out and others reduced to their best ground

Lots of folks snatched up new smaller claims

Congress will declare the land closed to entry and it's now gone to us forever as they push us further out of the forests and into Agenda 21

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  • Admin

Hello All,

I know several of the local clubs here in Arizona that I'm a member of have cut down on their claims. They have dropped some of the older claims that have been less productive in the past. I think several of the clubs allowed members to purchase the claims first, if they didn't have any buyers they were going to drop them.

I'm hoping some areas will open up now. Not that I'm looking to claim any ground, but will open a bunch of ground up for guys to roam and prospect without an worries of some nut claiming the entire countryside up. I won't mention names, but many already know several of the groups that are notorious for this.

Just my thoughts,

Rob Allison

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That being said, though, LR2000 will take weeks to a month, at least, to show the changes.

About September 15th the BLM will begin sending out notices of abandonment for those claims that missed the filing deadline. Those people then have 30 days to object and appeal to the IBLA.

Most will not respond to the 30 day notice, very few will appeal to the IBLA.

For those claims where no response was made the BLM will begin entering them as closed. This will begin around October 20th and the last LR2000 updates won't finish until the first few weeks of January.

This is going on past year's experience. With the greater number of abandoned claims anticipated this year I wouldn't be surprised if it was the middle of summer 2013 before the last abandoned claims are officially closed and entered into the LR2000.

Those who can apply the Small Miners Exemption will only have to pay $10 per claim plus $100 worth of assessment work per claim.

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Where do I get that bumper sticker!!! :)

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