Great Week Out

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She was a beauty alright, good mates, good food, load of beers and some gold to top it off.

Life cant get any better.

All up between myself and my partner "Peaky" we picked up just under 50 nuggets, no bigguns

but we're both happy with the result.

Cheers & Beers












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Wow Pete:

Looks like you had a awsome week out with your friends.

Your sunsets rival the ones we get here in Arizona.

How many guys were there? Looks like around 40 by the amount of meat on the grill :)

Is that the Generals white truck? It looks like the one that he kept banging his head on.

Sounds like it was a blast. And, you got some nice gold to boot.

Taker easy.

Tom H.

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Hi Fred

It was west of Wiluna mate, some lovely ironstone ridges and breakaways out that way, plenty of wild goats to shoot and hardly

touched by the tourist prospectors from the other Aus states, bit to far out the way for them i reckon.

Old Tom

Only 3 of us mate, but yeh we do like our meat mate hahaha, salty meat and beers are the go at sunset then on with the cap-lights and out for a night session

while the EMI and ground noise is minimal.

No mate its not the Generals truck its the mates dads 79 series Tojo, man the gear he carries would blow ya away, you name it he's got it on board and a great

bushman and tracker.

Already planning the next run out before it starts gettin to hot over here in WA (Nov) and then i'll just be cleaning out my local patch closer

to home for the summer.

Yeah them bush sunsets are pure heaven aren't they, gods gift to the prospector.


PS - Say hi to the hi-tech grease monkey for me wont ya Tom ;)

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Thats quite a trip Pete,thanks for the pics What a country you have there. I could have very easily been an Austrailian.What is the name of the reptile in the picture man he's cool.He resembles our horned toad which does not have a long tail.I'm going to start packing my bags tonight mate where should I fly into, there's time to make another trip before it gets hot in november isn't there.Take care my southern most friend.Pete,I'll pm ya.


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Pete; WA is my favorite of the places I have been in Australia. Back in 2000 I was with Doug Stone when we passed through Wiluna...on a sunday afternoon I think. I thought the entire town had been abandoned. There was not a car, dog or person to be seen was very weird.


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Thanks Guys

Mike, received your PM mate, will get onto it.

Yeah Nov is my cut off month as its to bloody hot, its not the ambient heat but the direct ferocity of it.

Fred, Wiluna, Leinster and Sandstone are still the same on a Sunday, you could put a clown suit on

and drag a dead horse up the main street and no one would know :lol: :lol:

That cute little lizard is called a "Frog lizard" they're only a couple of inches long but geez they can run fast,

I've only ever seen 4 in 37 years of prospecting WA, they only move if you nearly hit em with your coil.

That one was still in the exact same place after i walked 100 meters back to camp for the camera.

Rob - i think we may just get one more trip out before the real heat sets in, on the last day before heading home we

found a new virgin area and pulled 10 nuggets off it in the last hour before dark so thats gonna get a real

good lookin at.

Few more pics from the trip, first one shows the ground at the new Patch.


Solid ironstone outcrop


Old shafts and workings with original timbers intact







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Wow, it sure looks like someone did some serious hand digging there. That area needs to be scoured very closely,mate. Looks like a bunch of ant hills to me, Can't figure why they couldn't carry off the overburden a little farther. They kept pileing it up and shoring up in the middle of it. Lots of work either way, I hope that they got some good stuff out of it. They could'nt have got it all so those piles need to be examened. We are starting to cool down and you are starting to heat up, can't wait for the next trip.

Old Tom

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Old Tom

I bet you cant wait to get out for that 1st trip and feed your dry blower and run that GB2 all day.

May this season be a Bonanza for you and YT mate.

Funny thing was in WA when the old blokes 1st ventured out into the scrub, the main thing they where

looking for was water, the main thing was always water, if they found water then they could prospect out

to a few miles around that source, the main source of water for them old fellas were the aboriginal gnamma

holes, they are holes in the granite outcrops that gather water in the rainy times, but many a time they would be

putrid due to dead roos and other creatures falling in them, so what they did was boil it up with crushed charcoal

from the fire, then strain it out, they only used that water for making tea as the boiling also killed the germs also.

Because of the water situation the old blokes had, thats why so much of WA has never been prospected, but with

a good 12v fridge and sat nav its a pure joy these days mate,.

I usually leave those mullock piles alone as the old fellas pretty much lived on 'Tinned Dog" as they called it, it was

actually bully beef in a can but gee some of it must have been real crap to earn a name like that.

Anyway there are mountains of those cans around shafts and camps like above and they drive you nuts with a Mono

coil on, and i absolutely refuse to fit a DD these days.

This is the old blokes camp site near the shafts, its has been re used by a mate for the last 20 odd years also.

Its a natural cave in the Breakaways, and home away from home hahaha.







How is YT going with the 4x4 re fit ??


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Boy you sure have some great pics there. That is a great camping spot, I wonder just how many humans in the past have used that place for shelter. Probably a few critters also.

We always enjoy your photos Pete, you must have a very good camera as they are very clear and detailed. I try with mine but I don't read directions and haven't figured it all out on my own. When all fails then I do read them. Keep taking them as you will treasure them when you are older (like me).

Tom is just about done with the 4runner. All the bushings and connecting rods are replaced. Everything is beefed up and ready to go. He has to charge the A/C but that's all. We did have it out last week and it preformed very well. He's quite a mechanic, works all night on jets and all day on the money pit.

Old Tom

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Tom mate, get the lad to fit some retro's to the bum of that truck mate :lol: , your gonna need it to pull out that massive slab of gold

this season, cant ya feel it comming ??? mark my words guys this is your year, you've put in the hard yards, done the test panning

and blown the slopes, its all yours guys :D

But of course the gold is the topping on the god given pleasure of getting out there with YT in your element and enjoying every

minute of the free fresh air, freedom and open spaces that this game and no other can give.

I'm off up to my close in local pozzy this weekend, its been very kind to me and no doubt will continue to be kind.

I'm a firm beleiver in respecting what you have, and take, i smile at the sunrise and greet the gold days with open arms

every time, hell i'm just happy to place my feet on the ground every morning when i wake up hahahaha.

Maybe some of you desert searchers could post up more of your photo's of the scenery and goldfields you hunt on for me ??

AZ seems very close to WA ground but less mineralised, lets see your photo's and dont hold back the full on boozey shots ay hahaha

Show me yours and i'll show you mine hahahaha, no teeth n all :D

All the best to my 49er mates


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Tom mate, get the lad to fit some retro's to the bum of that truck mate :lol: , your gonna need it to pull out that massive slab of gold

this season, cant ya feel it comming ??? mark my words guys this is your year, you've put in the hard yards, done the test panning

and blown the slopes, its all yours guys :D

But of course the gold is the topping on the god given pleasure of getting out there with YT in your element and enjoying every

minute of the free fresh air, freedom and open spaces that this game and no other can give.

I'm off up to my close in local pozzy this weekend, its been very kind to me and no doubt will continue to be kind.

I'm a firm beleiver in respecting what you have, and take, i smile at the sunrise and greet the gold days with open arms

every time, hell i'm just happy to place my feet on the ground every morning when i wake up hahahaha.

Maybe some of you desert searchers could post up more of your photo's of the scenery and goldfields you hunt on for me ??

AZ seems very close to WA ground but less mineralised, lets see your photo's and dont hold back the full on boozey shots ay hahaha

Show me yours and i'll show you mine hahahaha, no teeth n all :D

All the best to my 49er mates



Ill take some next time I go out.

It wont be of the area im in though.....guys like to "find" your spot that way.

Tom H.

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Pete, I told you to lay off that rot gut stuff, you are starting to repete yourself. Not bad if you could double up on the gold like that. I'm sure that the guys heard you and we'll post some 'goodies' for you in the future. Gotta figure out that @#&*$# camera though, then I have to figure out how to put it on here. Modern technoiogy comes slow for this warhorse.

Tom took a couple of those 'boozey' shots that you are talking about but if they were posted Rob would give me a few more warning points,hehehe.


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Thanks for that Pete, I know what you mean about ferocious we are just coming out of ours. Everyday that old sun drops a little more to the south.The good times are here once again, I'm like old Tom with the pics.I've been posting a few lately and getting the hang of it.I'll put some pics. on for you mate.We enjoyed shareing your trip with you!Thanks alot.


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Just follow the yellow brick road mate.Your right I can see it from my front door. Pete did ya scratch out enough to make that trip to the Klondike it looks like that gold all together would make a small spud.Just need a couple more.GL.


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Yea for you Pete,

I love reading about your treks.

The mix of bravado and enthusiasm along with your love of the outback

and your humble appreciation of the simple beauties of life out there

always sparks my admiration.

I'm sure your posts above have gotten half this forum wanting to

get out into the desert for a look.

Could you post here that great detecting piece you put up on

the Detecting West Australian Gold Site?

Actually never mind I will drop it into this post so people can have a look,

it is one of the more interesting and evocative posts

I've read in a long while.


Anyway, continued happy hunting and camping - I will catch up soon,


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Thankyou very much for your kind words mate, I think we may have very similar spirits you and i, in fact most of us blokes,

we love the wild outdoors and have that zest for adventure, throw in some old world history and geology and a crave for

what's to come over the next hill or next gully. - Prospectors.


Only to happy to send your friend that email, hope she enjoyed it.

The Trip over your way will set me back at least a sack of spuds, but so far

i've dug up a hand full of peas and a couple of brussel sprouts this season :lol:

Take care Guys, the gold awaits you.

Pete B)

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