Old pics of fun and failure

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Hey all:

Dad asked if I would post a old pic of him and a few more.

All pics are from 83-84 in the bradshaws.

One of me dredging...man was I that young!???

One of dad getting ready to kill my bug after I broke off the right front wheel coming out of the crown king area. Had to take the seat belts out and wrap them around the front suspension, throw a bunch of rocks in the left rear and limp it home....but we got home!

Another pic of the bug after I rolled it up in the hills. Lost my brakes coming down a steep trail....and it was either crash and burn at the bottom or hit the mountain...I hit the mountain but it flipped.

Had my seatbelt on but all the dredging equipt. and 2 buckets of dirt went everywhere inside.

Didnt get hurt though. :)

Finally bought a 76 jeep p/u....that gave me some memories also!


Tom H.

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Just kidding ya Tom,

what your not going to believe is I had a baja bug just like yours back in the 70's. right down to the twin KC's on top! the only difference mine was black. been looking for a photo but so far no luck. I have to say they were great for a two wheel drive off roader. AzNuggetBob

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Just kidding ya Tom,

what your not going to believe is I had a baja bug just like yours back in the 70's. right down to the twin KC's on top! the only difference mine was black. been looking for a photo but so far no luck. I have to say they were great for a two wheel drive off roader. AzNuggetBob

Oh yah. They were good for getting around. Had to keep your speed up in the sand though...other wise you were cutting branches off and making a carpet.

One time I broke the front transaxle mount and had to strap it down with the seat belt too.

When I gave it some gas it would flip up and hit the body and yank the throttle full open. Crazy ride!

That was back when I used to enjoy working on vehicles :)

Tom H.

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I agree Tom did you have steering brakes? we had a blast with those early bugs. AzNuggetBob

Kind of....get going about 40MPH....pull the E brake as hard as you can and turn the wheel! :)


Tom H.

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Herbie rides again hahaha, great pics Tom :)

Remember if ya got any gold that day mate ??


I cant remember...that was a few years back...


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The day that I went with him we brought back some dirt to run, a little color. That was the day I shot Herbie for breaking his leg. When Tom rolled it he was dredging and had the dredge, buckets, hoses, crowbars etc, and the German short haird pointer in it. All tumbled down that hill like in a cement mixer. The dog flew out the window and they came to rest on the safe side of the "road" missing going off the cliff side. He had to hike to a mans house that he later became good frends with. He got kind of bung up that day and he doesn't take chances like that now when he is alone.

Old Tom

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