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Alex, what is Senator or the Mt Union?


It was above prescott

The town of prescott came and hauled the stamp mill out a ways back and are restoring it at the Sharlot hall museam.

Tom H.

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Nother hint...................

Between Prescott and skull valley. On iron spings road.

Really close to Highland pines.


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copper basin, Copper Hill Mine.? AzNuggetBob

I dont know the name of the mine but it was a gold mine.

You would drive out iron springs road towards skull valley.

On the top of the mountain you turn left to go into Highland Pines.

The first cabin in the community was the old assayers office.

The mine was below it.

It wasnt a very big mine as I remember. But I guess it was paying off enough to move all that machinery in there.

Either that or they really suckered some easterners.

I used to play on all the machinery when I was about 12 yrs old. There were snakes in it and all kinds of dangerous pointed objects, mercury from the stamp mill......but, im still alive! :)


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Oh also I found a lot of wire gold nuggets in copper basin. I think It was Phelps Dodge that purchased it to mine the copper and get the gold as by product. but its on the south side of spruce mountain. and in case your thinking about hunting it, last time I went there they had a caretaker and no hunting allowed. AzNuggetBob

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Nope not the copper hill probably the Derby, Mine. Its right off skyline pines road on the west side. AzNuggetBob

Holy Cow Bob...

I googled it and thats the mine.

Do you know anything about it?


Tom H.

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I built my family cabin about a couple of hundred yards from the mine. Tom used to play all around there and it was really dangerous at the time as the mine was an open pit with a lousy fence around it. It filled with water and that is why they stopped mining at the time, they just couldn't keep up with the flow. The mice used to build nests in the old boiler tubes and the rattleys would wait for them below. Mercury was spilled all over the place and I still can't figure just why I let Tom go there. I built there around !968 and sold the place about five years ago. Yeah, the mines around there do have care takers and they are not too sociable. There is an awful lot of iron in the rocks up there and can make some detectors really spin. We didn't have the modern stuff and it sort of cancelled us out back then. I miss the area but it was time to let go.

Old Tom

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