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Whoever gets this one wins all my dirt I run through my trommel the next time :)

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Bradshaw City?

Noop.....little south of it...

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Tip Top?


Noop.....starts with a "O" and it had a safe in it. :)

The building at Tip Top was smaller and had a tin roof....spent a couple of hours in it waiting out a horendous rainstorm!


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Noooo.....were all living in that crap hole now!

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It was more like a bank vault rather than just a safe.

Old Tom

Yup it was....wish we had jacked it open back when it was there. Im sure I would have been rich...yah right.

It was a big safe for sure.

The place is in prime gold country bout 5 miles south of Crown King.

Tom H.

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Come on .... Oro Belle :wub: I thought we had some Arizona prospectors on here.

Rob Allison

Rob WINS!!!!

You get my second 5 buckets of tailings from the trommel. :)

I doubt if anything is still standing there.

Tom H.

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Tom Tailing's or concentrates? :D AzNuggetBob

I might be old...but I aint senile! TAILINGS

Hey, there may be a flake or two in it :)

Tom H.

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Here's one Guess! Grubstake


Looks like Shep in the middle....Bunk on the right and I dont know who the other one is.

Tom H.

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Try this one, only a few know . Grubstake

I dont know where it is but that is one heck of a awsome pic!

Tom H.

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Tom what's really unfortunate is I think a lot of this great old steel steam boilers and stamp mills is gone, lost forever to the scrapers smelters. :( AzNuggetBob

Well...........Its bad in a way and good in another...

We lost some history, but it did get melted down and made into something else.

Unfortunatly, there are only a few who appreciate seeing the old mine equipment out in the hills.

Most see it as junk.

Tom H.

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