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Hey Gary,

That is Grubstake, Shep and Jerry in the first picture, the second picture I believe I have been there with Grubstake. Unfortunately Grubstake was too grateful to most and they snuck back into many of the patches he showed others.

Good pictures though ....

Rob Allison

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Yep, Rob, youand Dennis were at that spot, and the first one, I can't even get back in there now, its a liability issue, with the owners. Lots of pretty gold came out of there! And you could drive your truck right to it. Grubstake

Tks for the fun Grub.

Least you got in there and got some gold out of it.

Good for you! :)

Who knows mabee you will be able to work something out with the owners and get back in and pull a few more out. :)

Tom H.

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Hey Gary,

That is Grubstake, Shep and Jerry in the first picture, the second picture I believe I have been there with Grubstake. Unfortunately Grubstake was too grateful to most and they snuck back into many of the patches he showed others.

Good pictures though ....

Rob Allison


Tks for helping others out .....even if they did take advantage you and the area. Srry.

Dont know why guys do that for a couple of bucks of gold?

It will all come back to you for your kindness.

Hang in there. Hope to see you at one of the upcoming outings if you can make it.

Tom H.

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Here's one Guess! Grubstake

Is Shep one of those Dick Clark guys that just never age?

Then one day you hear hes like 80 yrs old and your saying...WHAT???

Tom H.

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Hard to tell with Shep, he's only 62, but always looked like he was 80, I wonder when he's 80 if he will look 60? Ha! Ha! Grubstake

DOH!!! thats funny!

Maybe When hes 80 we can see what were gonna look like at 110 yrs old! :)

Hes a great guy though from talking with him at the outings.

Tom H.

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Where is this at? It is probably gone now.

Is that Shep and his original steam shovel? :)

Tom H

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