A hearty thanks to the 'A' Team.

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I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you guys and gals for your prayers and positive vibes during my struggle with a life altering procedure. Believe me there were a lot of supporters on my side and I felt every one of them come through. My family did great also and I thank you for them also. Young Tom took over and acted like a trooper taking care of everything, even got me out of that danged hospital.

I thought that I had endured all of life's indignities that were thrust on a person but they threw a few more at me. I don't have anymore secrets to hide, my body is public domain now and belongs to every one to vew and remember. The two little girls shaving every hair off my body from my neck to my ancles were laughing and giggling so much that I joined in the merriment. The one said to me that I will remember them in the future and I said, why so? She said that when this starts to grow back in you will think of us. I anserwed that if they don't stop stroking and smoothing that they will have something to remember me by.

I came through it well with no damage to the heart and I look forward to getting to Quartzite in October. I will be there but won't do any detecting just sitting around the campfire and BSing with all the others that just go for the good time and fellowship. All you guys were right that this really sucks. The hardest part for me is the coughing and sneezing. That pillow is a lifesaver and when I don't need it anymore I am going to mount it on the wall somewhere just for a reminder.

God I love youi guys and try to take care of yourselves. I thought that I was but I guess I didn't work out so well.

Old Tom

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The worse part for me, was they kept giving me stool softeners, and I told them, I did not need them, Well I guess you know what happened!, anyway, one od the nurse's aids, had to get in shower with me, because they were afrid I'd fall. 15 days in the hospital with mine, its been 4 months, and I'm still hurting, DR. said. something did not take on me, so in NOV. 29th. I'll find out what!. But I was on the heart lung machine with mine for 5 hours. take care Tom. Grubstake

PS and yeh I still have my heart shaped pillow!

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The worse part for me, was they kept giving me stool softeners, and I told them, I did not need them, Well I guess you know what happened!, anyway, one od the nurse's aids, had to get in shower with me, because they were afrid I'd fall. 15 days in the hospital with mine, its been 4 months, and I'm still hurting, DR. said. something did not take on me, so in NOV. 29th. I'll find out what!. But I was on the heart lung machine with mine for 5 hours. take care Tom. Grubstake

PS and yeh I still have my heart shaped pillow!

They didn't have to stop my heart at all and I got through fairly simple. Grubby, you had more damage than I did so it's going to take longer in your case. Hang in there bud. Still blowin on your spyro thingy?

Old Tom

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And Old Tom

Who the hell is good enough to step up and wear your golden garment bud ?? hahaha you wear it so well Tom :P

Long live the "Golden Diaper Claim" :)


Your harder than you give yourself credit for Tom ;):PB)

And YT good onya mate, thats what good sons do....


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Yeh, Tom. What happened to me, was I already had 11 stents in, and when I had the last one, they said there are two kinds of plack, soft and hard, all my othere heart attacks were from hard plack building up and stoping up my artteries slow, but the last one, was soft plack, it was like a pimple busting, it filled 5 up right away, almost instantly, Basicly, I was dead, My heart stoped, when that happened, I was life flighted to fresno, stablized, and that was the 16th of may, Surgery was done on the 23rd after they got me stable enough to do it. . Still having memory problems, they say it was from being on the life support so long. Short term memory was screwed up. Atleast its not like when I had my prostate radiated, I had the runs for 58 days and lost from 206 down to 168 pounds. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, and I'll never have it done again. Grubstake

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