fun 2 days out with new mates

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Got picked up at 7am Friday by Lojay "Jason" a new buddy and his brother Pete, off we go :cheers:

Smoko and a leg stretch at Merredin WA and then on the rd again, was a good drive with no


Got into the area we planned to hit around lunch'ish and as ya do we wet the baby's head on arrival

and then rigged up to smash the livin crudd outta the spot.

The boys set up their tent and i rolled out the new swag, save doin it when the medicine kicks in later :P

Very lush and green area compared to my usual desert haunts.


Anyways, after a few hints n tips and checking the fellas settings for deadliness they where into it like troopers.

The area was very trashy but we dug em all and stuck to it as i knew there was gold in between the crap.

The Patch


The Ground


Camp Site



Lojay & Pete gettin stuck into it



Old Shaft With Ore Paddock on the right side


Down to the gold, final tally was Lojay = Scored his very 1st nugget and is well on his way to clean up.

Brother "Pete" = No luck this trip, but i reckon he's in by quids as he's taken out shares in Sims Metal

and knows the scrap iron trade real well after this trip, he just didnt walk over it but next time ay mate.

Myself = 4 nuggets for 5.2 grams & a qrtz specie with appx 0.5 in it.

My Gold


All up it was a great little trip out for the weekend, and cheers go to Lojay and Pete for the invite and

puttin up with the old codger :lol: :lol:

Lets do it again ay boys 1946659557.gif

Pete B)

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Dang nice gold there Pete!

Looks like you guys had a blast. Its good to go out with

other guys, seems to be more fun that way.

Guess your getting warmer over there?

Do you have a place you can go in the summer like we do here...higher elevation

Tom H.

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Great looking outing there Pete, nice gold and new friends! Its always fun having someone new to tell the old stories and hear some new ones too.


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Cheers Guys, that big one is out there i can feel it in me bones hahaha

Tom - Got a spot for summer but its usually still in the 40c temp so i do night work up there.

Well, i'm off back out bush, up to Cue for a week to get some more head space and hopefully a bit of gold.

Cyaz on the flip


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