Been Rough.

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I am finnaly moving from the Bay Area back to Humboldt. Its been chaos.. I have had barely any time to prospect or use the Gold Bug 2... I will be done soon.. ANYWAYS..I ended up diggin one day with my right hand man.. Pop.. After we walked 3/4ths of a mile and set up we realized we didn't bring a screen. Pop was a champ and hiked out to get a screen.. I fealt like crap cause i had a stomach bug. Wasn't gonna let it get in the way of Pop and I's last trip. The screen he got was 1/4th the size of what were used to.. Blew some Gold out.

but found alot of flake and flour being sick. Gold is different depending on where your gonna be. Not used to the 6 rivers area.. Mostly the Sac area, We will see boys. Not to mention I gotta get ahold of the MAN of Trinity Ca. lol\


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