My Uncle Allen

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My uncle has been in the hospital since Monday, We were doing a little detector hunting on SAT. But he only lasted about an hour, his legs were hurting really bad and in between his shoulder blades. We quit and went home. I told him I though he was having heart problems, because that the same thing I do!@ I never have chest pain, its always between my shoulders. Well Monday he finally could not stand it anymore, he went to DOCTORS on CALL and they rushed him to the hospital, Yep! It was his heart. He's still in the hospital, they are running test, High blood presure, and an out of sinc heart. not beating right. I expect the will give him an angieogram to see whats up. Grubstake

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My uncle has been in the hospital since Monday, We were doing a little detector hunting on SAT. But he only lasted about an hour, his legs were hurting really bad and in between his shoulder blades. We quit and went home. I told him I though he was having heart problems, because that the same thing I do!@ I never have chest pain, its always between my shoulders. Well Monday he finally could not stand it anymore, he went to DOCTORS on CALL and they rushed him to the hospital, Yep! It was his heart. He's still in the hospital, they are running test, High blood presure, and an out of sinc heart. not beating right. I expect the will give him an angieogram to see whats up. Grubstake


Ill be sure and pray for him...hope it all comes out well.

Tom H.

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Yeh, I talked to my Aunt, she said he was in a good mood, but didn't like all the IV'S they have going, and usieing the bed pan. I'll know more in a day or two. Grubstake

Keep us going to be down at Quartzsite until Sunday night.

Tom H.

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Oh My Gosh Gary... This terrible... Allen has led an active life. I will always treasure the clay

pipe he gave me... I keep in a special cabinet with the gold cuff links you gave me with my

other treasures... I'm sure it is only a "bump in the road" and Allen... and you too... will be up

an' at'em soon... Give Allen my Best. You guys and dorthy are in my prayers and thoughts.


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