This weeks dinks

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Got out for a couple days and scored a few more. Some of these guys were so small it was like chasing ghosts around all day. The good thing is they all add up, 2.2 dtw for about 12 hours.

Hope everyone is in the gold,

Justin. post-29399-0-14082000-1352419345_thumb.j

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Thats a nice pile of dinks! Although I wouldnt be

calling some of them dinks...more like nuggets :)

Great going.

Tom H.

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Thanks for the comments my friends, hope you all are living it up out there! I got a fealing this small patch is almost done soon ill be looking for another one, got an idea where its at too.

big nugz to all,


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Hey bro... you didnt call and tell me you were on a big patch!!!! lolol

Just checking in....ready to go to AK soon??????

Hello to everyone else out there on the forum...I am over in Pueblo Colorado now....

Keep them coming BB....

prickly paul

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Hey bro... you didnt call and tell me you were on a big patch!!!! lolol

Just checking in....ready to go to AK soon??????

Hey buddy, whats up cactus lover? AK ahhhhhh! Paul Im so excited about our big bad juicy dredging claim on the 40 Mile. I sure am shooting for this summer or next, just want to go soon! Wherever we go will be sweet!

Not a patch you havent seen before!

Take care,


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Hahahahaha...ok i believe you! :ph34r:

Yeah the 40 mile is calling,, but maybe we can do some dreding together up here and get used to it,,,i have never dredged so here we go again!!!!

Remember the first time i detected with you and Silver Dog.... i was so excited i put my coil on backwards!!!!! lololol :spank:

I remember the look on your face-- :blink: ----Oooh boy,,gonna be a long day!..... :wacko:

i will try to get a killer claim to dredge up here...

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