Hello to everyone!

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Just wanted to take a second to check in with y'all and say a big HELLO!!!!

Hope you are all finding yellow ,,or thinking about it anway!!!!

I am over in Colorado working with Vets who are in a Community Care Center..most of us would call it a nursing home----

We only have 40 vets so it is a nice gig and i like being able to help these guys get along...I am working in the Restorative nursing office now which means i try to help them maintain their strength so they can stay as mobile and as independent as possible..

I just got some info on a Gold Club up in Denver that sounded interesting,,,we will see what they have as far as claims go.

Well, keep your powder dry and you pans yellar!!!!!!!!!!!!

prickly paul

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Hi Paul,

You have my admiration working with vets.

I am trying to find volunteer work here in the Chicago area working with a veterans group.

it is something I have always wanted to be involved in and for the first time in my life

I think I will have the time. Any pointers?

Good to read you are alive and well and to know a little about what you are involved in.

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Hey Flak,

There wil be a Volunteer Services dept somewhere there at the VA.

Just call the main VA number and ask for them..... or just go over to the are you anna work at and recon....

You can look at all the places they have to volunteer and pick what fits you best.

If it were't for volunteers VA would be hurting!

Thanks for helping out!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Paul,

You have my admiration working with vets.

I am trying to find volunteer work here in the Chicago area working with a veterans group.

it is something I have always wanted to be involved in and for the first time in my life

I think I will have the time. Any pointers?

Good to read you are alive and well and to know a little about what you are involved in.

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Hey brotha, keep an eye out for good dredging areas up that way. Miss ya Paul

Miss you all too.... gotta hit the creeks in Colorado if i stay full time...the one place i did go was guaranteed gold---just depended on how much dirt you want to move!!!

Hey, i been gone for awhile, is the GB2 still top dog for small gold???

Cause thats all they have up here....small to fine... But great for dredging !! I will try to find if there is anywhere left we can do that...talking to some clubs with claims right now...so i will let you know...

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Hi Paul,

Thanks for the info. I am a rookie at knowing how to navigate the VA

I will let you know how it goes.

Best wishes and Happy Thanksgiving

I will try to get you a solid lead there in Chicago area---BTW---which part of Chicago do you live in??? ------North S0--East---West???

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there is a gold bug pro out now that will go deeper than the gold bug 2 but won't find gold as small as gold bug 2 close to the surface, both are great machines.

I had a great GB2 i traded when i left NV a year ago..... I know it works...i will talk with some locals around here and see what they are using...i will probably find more with a really good fine gold catching sluice,,,like say the ---LeTrap..... i just all the sudde got a casr of Gold Fever aain,,weird.... like a virus that came back,,,hahahaha

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Hey have a great Turkey Day! Having a house full of Vets at my place...room for one more if you hurry.



Thanks For The Invite!!!!

Would Love To Be There...I Have Sampled The Chow There Before And It Is delicious.

Have A Blessed Day With Family And Vets!

prickly paul

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GPOC are a fun bunch - here's an outing with dredging on the Arkansas in Buena Vista a couple years ago:

Don't think you can dredge that particular spot there now but they'll know if anyone where to go.


South of Salida is Point Bar Access- looks like dredging still allowed but give lead tim to BLM:


Placer mining along the Arkansas River Corridor

Additional information concerning Notice Level activities along the Arkansas River Corridor is provided below.

Over the Counter Notification: For notice level operations at the Point Bar Placer Area, the following thresholds apply:

  • In stream (suction dredging) equipment is limited to 4-inch intake nozzle and 8 hp motors.
  • On shore (high banking) equipment is limited to a 3-inch intake hose or nozzle and 8-hp in total motor size.
  • Operations are permitted between April 1 and September 30.

All other Notice-Level operations, please refer to above.

* * * NOTE – Proposed operations involving the use of a suction dredge along the Arkansas River are typically classified as greater then casual use. Please contact the BLM Royal Gorge Field Office (RGFO) with the necessary information required for either notice- or plan-level operations (see above). * * *

Full text here:


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