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Merry Christmas to all on the forum, I won't have internet after the first. So Wife is going through test for surgery after the first of the year. Had to cut back, so we would have enough for gas, food and staying down in Fesno for some of the test. Got to go down three times, 600 milesw of driving. to and from. Grubstake

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may the holidays be good to you and your family.

and to good heath for your wife and yourself grubstake

ps most hotels and hospitals have free wifi

thats how i stayed in touch with family and

friends when gail was.........


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Thanks Brent, got it covered, I can do without internet for a bit, really we will be so busy with DRS. I won't need it until its all over with anyway. Got the money, just have to make the DRS. priority for a bit, I'm worried about my wife, several things need attion on her health. Be married to her 20 yearsw on the 3rd of May. Don't want to see anything get worse than it already is. Its not really a money problem, its a DR. problem, and insurance won't cover some things. Thanks again Grubstake

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Hey Grubby.....good luck to you and I will be praying for you guys.

Just think of all the catching up you will have to do once you do get back on.

Hopefully lots of pics of BIG gold! :)

Take care.

Tom H.

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Well my internetwill be shut off on the 1st, the trips to Fresno start on the second, Depends on what the new DR. wants to do, I know they siad a couple of consultations first, tests, and then they would decide on surgery. She is in a lot of pain, and as said before, her Diabete's puts her at a great risk. So we will walk the walk, for now. She has already had part of her colon removed, back when she was young, and has more problems now, including female stuff, although she had a full histerectomy at 21. What she has is scar tissue wrapped around her colon, and thats not good. Grubstake

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What will be great, is if they let her have the surgery! These past few years have been almost all she can take of the pain. on top of that she is allergic to most pain meds, so she has not had any relief. I have to do all the driving, she doe's not drive, has glacoma, and her blood sugars run in the 300-600 range, her body is rejecting the insulin, and she is on a floating dose of two different kinds, humalog, and 25/75 mix. I'm lucky I only take Metformin for mine. Grubstake

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Things do get a bit complicated in the later years don't they Grubby. Well, do the best you can for her and and we will be praying for her at our house. My wife went through almost the same thing but at a younger age. Scar tissue wrapped around organs is very painful and always there. A good surgeon and The Good Lord is a very good combo.

Old Tom

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Yes. Best wishes Grubstake. Prayers sent. Hope you have a good Holiday.


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