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Robin and I, just pulled into our drive way last night after our little 2999 mile Holiday trip Mesa, AZ. We enjoyed the Holidays with Family and visits with my old Friends of my younger days. We did have time for a couple of detecting trips with a couple of veterans of the Arizona goldfields. Our first hunt was with Justin. He picked out a canyon and gave us a couple of pointers and cut us loose. Robin, ended the day with a very nice 4.2 dwt'er and I, with a dink skunk buster. The weather, drove us out for the second day hunt with Justin's cab over camper rocking in some 40 mph wind gust and rain. Our second hunt was with Doug, he picked out a gulch and gave us a few pointers. It was lucky enough to get my coil over a nice 3.2 dwt'er before the days end. Robin and I, would like to thank our guides and their golden pointy fingers. Our time in the hunt with our friends and hobby was golden! Until our next hunt.



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Rick and Robin, I am very happy you guys made it down and honored to have you. I was bummed about the weather but glad to get Robin outta my patch :P just kiddin, you guys are welcome anytime! Thank you for everything and I cant wait to tear it up this summer! :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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