Jim Straight

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Thank you for asking about my "stuff." Probably my best single book is ADVANCED.

It is slanted to epithermal precious metal forming eluvial placers and how to metal

detect them. Some of it may be considered too technical but for the most part it is an

easy read... Today... in my long experience... i consider "epthermals" overlooked and many

small to large ones are currently being drilled as at depth they overly a CARLIN-type.

The current edition also has an expanded appendix on meterorites... Why is ADVANCED

the best you ask?;

One word "Experience." Frankly I did it. I did not wear the seat of my pants

out editing other stuff. I plumb wore my self out actually doing it and I'm lucky to have not

been crushed or slabbed

Now I'm pretty deaf and stove up at 83 and with wife of 58 years now gone; likely I will

do other things (like chasing red headed women my grand father worned me about back

in 1948 as I left the Copper Camp of Ely to enter the Mackay School of Mines in Reno)

and when my currtent supply of books are sold out that will be it.

Frankly; I got the "buzz," and was told loud and clear at a gold show that there are some who

have "Issue's With Me.." Wow... So it up to you my dear readers of over thirty years what

will be said of 'tailgate' jim straight as the full-timers gather around furture campfires.

It must say on this edition " revised September 2010." If Rob will post pg. ii of this latest

edition it can be seen... I plan on being the Fairplex gold show on Sunday only.

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:) :) :) :) Hey Bob ol' friend... I'm not in a "tizzy." No reason to be... Frank C you were

a positive poster on the the forum where out of the "blue sky" this negativity first happend and

I really appreciate you for that... You make a great drywasher and I'm impressed by your

attention to detail... You worked hard and long to make them the best they can be.

way2cool... yep my grandfather lived in a wide open rip snorting time in some of the early

"epthermal mining camps" during the early period of their discovery. He was truly as self-

taught "Lace Boot Mining Engineer" of the "Old School." So I guess he may have known

about "red headed women wearing black underwear."... But for sure he knew about

"epithermals," but likely did not fully understand "where did the vein go?" which bewildered

many back then. So it soon become known as "hit and miss" prospecting.

Hey... how many can say that at age 14 they worked underground using an old jackleg while

drilling a face in a lease from Consolidated Copper Mines? Well I can. It was Sam Robinson

who held the lease and he was a close friend of both my dad and grandfather. I can say

the ol jackleg sure tested me... I was knocked end for end many times. Frankly I never got

fully able to control the air valve control... wow. That was one memorial summer for me, the

summer of 1944.

I guess this was my start in wearing my self out. Just a dumb kid trying to become a man.

But I guess I can say I didn't rust out.

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Friend Jim, you have outclassed, out-worked, out-produced, out-thought, out-wrote and outlasted 99% of the egocentric glory seekers who might have had "issues" with your literary contributions to this hobby. I, and most of us on this Forum, are proud to call you Friend. Hope to see you Saturday at Pomona. HH Jim

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Hi Jim I have your lastest edition of Advanced. I also picked up a copy of Gold and Silver deposits of the basin and range province western USA. I believe you recommened that and also stated that it wasn't an easy read, well that was a understatement. It has alot of good info just a little hard for me to digest.

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