When you Quad lets you down. :(

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Welp.............heres the story..........

Took off work today cuz I figured it would be awsome out in the deserts. I was right. I was awsome!

Cool, cloudy, bit of rain, just a great day for detecting.

Towed the quad in and dropped dad of at a wash for him to play in.

Took the quad up about 5 miles and was just enjoying the day. Birds flying around. Acting like a 20 old on the quad....Cool weather..no sense of impending doom...

Had to open a fence....quad died? Hmmm...no sense of impending doom...

Tried to restart and NOT!....battery didnt have enough juice in it to fire it up.

Guess its not charging. Will have to look into that.
Well, Crimmy.........what to do. Dad wont be on the walkie talkie for 2 hrs so.........lets go detect.

Maybe if it cools down a little it will fire up.

Hit a wash where I ran into Joe No Shoulders last year..........nutten but scrap.

Back to the quad and it still wont start.

Looks like your walking bud.

Hid all the valuables up a wash and started hoofing it. Decided to turn the GPS on and see how far I go and how fast.

3.8 mph average......over 3 bleeping miles!

The GPX 5000 gains about 1 lb for every mile walked. Belive me...its true!!!!!

Finally got ahold of Dad on the walkie talkie.....COME GET ME!!!!

Just like when I was a kid...except this time I wasnt drunk :)
So we got hooked up...got the quad...im shot by this time and we called it a early day.

It was still a great time in the hills. Really nice weather............and a trip I wont forget.

Mental note............extra battery or jumpstart pack on the quad.

Oh. BTW...im feeling it tonight :)

Tom H.

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TOM, no pull start on that SOB ??????

Noop...and ive looked for a adapter/pull start for it and they dont make it.



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Hey Tom Great story. I like the way you wrote it.if you don't get it solved right away let me know

I've worked on my own bikes for years and may be able to help. hopefully its just a bad battery. AzNuggetBob

Tks Bob:

Working on it tonight and tomarow....Probably a low batt. or a charging problem. Got the Batt. on charge now.

Still looking for a nice 250cc bike.

The quad can carry more..but a bike can get you in there.

Tom H.

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ya Tom lookin for a trials bike

Ok Tom I know my last reply doesn't answer your question.first off I don't know what model quad you have.
Anyway When I was doing 40-60 mile trips out into the desert in Mexico, Nevada what ever. I always would go through my bikes before the trip.
Preventative maintenance I called it. If it had been awhile since I had already replaced them. I replaced all the usual parts that catch you by surprise points, condensers,spark plugs,electronic ignition modual, fuel filters etc.
and I saved all the old parts for spares.Places like Mexico can be hard to get parts out in the boonies or even in near by small towns.
I always carried a small tool kit with me on the bikes and a medium size tool box in the camper van.also carried parts in my camper van along with spare parts for it.
I rarely broke down and when I did I could usually fix it.On my camper van If the starter battery quit I would just rob one battery out of the RV battery section.later I used solar panels.
on some of my bikes they were set up to run without a battery. just run off the magneto.push start, pull start, kick start, run it down a hill and pop start it as we called it. drag it with a burro whatever. :)
take care out there AzNuggetBob

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Tom
Did ya get your quad fixed?
Ya I agree you cant carry as much on a bike but they do have their advantages too.
I carry a back pack and Im working on building lightweight saddle bags for the new bike.
Most people think they can always rely on their cell phone, dont count on it.
There was a few things I forgot to mention. Like tire goop. I use green slime works for me.
one time I hit a large rock so hard with the front wheel at hi speed I thought for sure the tire was going down.I thought I'd bent the rim. turns out it only went down a little and held, I just limped it back to camp. I took it apart later and found that I had pinched a half inch hole in the side of tube and it sealed up..also at least good for canned air, sealnair (large size)is a good idea too.
Oh BTW why didn't you jump start your quad off your Minelab battery, just kiddin.but you probably could if you had too. better than walking 40 miles. :P
Take care out there, AzNuggetBob

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Hey Tom

Did ya get your quad fixed?

Ya I agree you cant carry as much on a bike but they do have their advantages too.

I carry a back pack and Im working on building lightweight saddle bags for the new bike.

Most people think they can always rely on their cell phone, dont count on it.

There was a few things I forgot to mention. Like tire goop. I use green slime works for me.

one time I hit a large rock so hard with the front wheel at hi speed I thought for sure the tire was going down.I thought I'd bent the rim. turns out it only went down a little and held, I just limped it back to camp. I took it apart later and found that I had pinched a half inch hole in the side of tube and it sealed up..also at least good for canned air, sealnair (large size)is a good idea too.

Oh BTW why didn't you jump start your quad off your Minelab battery, just kiddin.but you probably could if you had too. better than walking 40 miles. :P

Take care out there, AzNuggetBob

Hey Bob:

Its working fine...im going to have the battery load tested. Its charging at 13-14 volts and fires right up.


I agree about the cell phones....We dont get reception until were back on the road.

Tom H.

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I always carry a back up battery jumper and compressor combo when out in remote areas.

Yah.........thats the next item on the "to buy list" :)


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