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Hello all,

I'm looking for a little insight into what I can expect on a trip I have planned (Feb 21st)for myself Brother and 67 year old father. We are heading to Congress Az as new members of the AAMD which seem to have several claims just SW of the town of Stanton. Has anyone visited this area

and what kind of sucess can I expect and is there a better process (detecting /drywashing) to use.

Another question, Can anyone give me some advice on dealing with the manual ground on the Original Tesoro Lobo. The instruction are not very

clear to me when it comes to getting the ground and Threshold tuned in.

Any input would be appreciated.


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There is gold in the areas you are going, as far as sucess goes its really depends on how hard you want to work. I would suggest drywashing in the early morning until afternoon then jump on youre detector for the rest of the day. The only reason I say this is because of the detecting learning curve, if you want to take home some gold for sure and learn the lay of the land do a little drywashing. Jump in a creek or bank and dig/look for a clay layer with some rusty gravel sittin on top of it, pay attention to the older digs while out detecting.

Good Luck,


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Hello all,

I'm looking for a little insight into what I can expect on a trip I have planned (Feb 21st)for myself Brother and 67 year old father. We are heading to Congress Az as new members of the AAMD which seem to have several claims just SW of the town of Stanton. Has anyone visited this area

and what kind of sucess can I expect and is there a better process (detecting /drywashing) to use.

Another question, Can anyone give me some advice on dealing with the manual ground on the Original Tesoro Lobo. The instruction are not very

clear to me when it comes to getting the ground and Threshold tuned in.

Any input would be appreciated.


I agree with Justin on how to go about it...Ive not had much luck detecting but know of others that have up there.

I have had luck drywashing.

You might call these guys, they are in Wickenburg. Dont know if they rent or not.

Good luck, have fun and enjoy the arizona outdoors. :)

Tom H.

P.S. after you run your drywasher, scatter the piles and detect them. Also, detect any areas you have dug out.

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Adjust your ground balance so that as you raise and lower the coil to the ground you even out the sound both ways.

Raise 4 6 or 8 inches as you do this adjustment while pumping up and down the coil.

The quieter you can get it to run the better AND remember as you walk around detecting pump the coil to see if its still in tune if not re adjust often.

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Before plunking down $$ on a drywasher, you should inquire of the locals here on the forums about ground conditions near the time of your arrival ... Right now, the ground has been saturated and is pretty damp down below a couple inches ... Just a heads up ... Cheers, Unc

PS ... What club is AAMD?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the advice we actually invested in a folding sluice 9" x 50" as well as the pump and recirculating head. I'm hopng I can carry enough water to keep it effective.

Will the saturated ground help or hurt metal detecting? Willbe down in Congress next Thursday.

I think the old name of the AAMD was the Weaver Mining District.

Best Regards,


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