Virginia gold....the small stuff

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I purchased a Nugget Finder Advantage 9 X 14 from Rob for my wife's Christmas gift to me, the swell guy that I am, taking such a tremendous pressure from my bride in the time of Holiday stress. As luck, bad luck, would have it I was down and out with detached retina repair surgery for several weeks so I finally had an opportunity to try out the new coil last weekend. After a few hours in a thoroughly worn out nugget patch that never produced much anyway I was pleased to find nine little pieces including what i guess to be my first specimen nugget. The GPX 5000 and NF coil on the Fine Gold setting really did the trick. Thanks for looking and thanks Rob for the suggestion.

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I am continually amazed to see these little beauties popping up with the "medium sized"

Nice finds for sure.. i love that VA gold..!!!!

I am in Florida now,,,maybe we could hunt the St Augustine area for gold bars!!!!!

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