A long hike today...

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Hello everyone, I was going to go detecting today and decided to go on a long hike instead. I left out about 0800 and returned back home by about 1500. I was looking for some new areas. I found seven of which four look pretty good. I will post pictures of the good looking ones as I hunt them in the coming weeks. The following pictures are of the area that I was walking through and checking out. Lots of up and down but good ground all over. The trip turned out be right at twelve miles by the time I went up and down draws and gullies to look at suspect diggings. It was a good breathing excercise. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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Funny, I was looking over a few YouTube videos last night on prospecting and finds, your name appeared more than a few times with some nice looking nuggets. Fresh air and solitude, looks as though you have that in spades Ray. Nice photos, have a great deal to learn about "ground" and geology, but enjoying every minute of it.

Thank you for sharing Ray.

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