Hobby to business...

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Hello all, I just got done reading the ICMJ this morning and I have to comment on the article by Steve Herschbach.The article is great reading. We all have read posts where many of the new guys ask about making a living mining, whether hobby or business. Steve makes it pretty simple as to where you should stand and what to consider if you decide to move forward as a business. To me the way the laws are laid out the government forces your hand and you pretty well have to go by them. Uncle Sam has so many ways of watching that it is getting harder and harder do do anything, hobby or business. Great article Steve. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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Over my about 35 years in prospecting and mining, I've run in to a bunch of folks who thought they could make a living prospecting gold (including me) ...I lived very high on the hog buying and selling commercial gold mines (not "recreational")... Out of hundreds of those folks, there's only been one who actually does it, primarily by keeping it modest lifestylewise ... He's on our forums when it suits him and just one of a few who really does it ... I've hunted with him, and, honestly, even though he is only a few months older than me, couldn't keep up with him up some gulches and gullies ... I've found gold behind him and he's found gold behind me ... But he's devoted, studied, consistant and thorough ... And that's what it takes to be a full time electronic prospector who lives off his talent and efforts ... Cheers, Unc

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Hi Ray,

Thank you - I look for and read your stuff so that is nice of you to say. I was worried it speaks directly to the "not fun" end of things like taxes and paperwork, but one thing for sure it will bring the reality of things to light for a few people.

The article is not about making a living prospecting or mining per se. Just about doing it as hobby versus business. In my case that has pretty much meant second business, though one that I have done pretty well at. And now that I am retiring a retirement business.

But there is a huge gap between all that and making a true living mining. Supporting the wife and kids and paying the mortgage. Easily done working in the mining industry, but a real tough go for the true independent small scale miner or prospector. I really respect anyone who can do that. I tried it for a couple years around 1980 and decided there are easier more reliable ways to make a living.

Great side gig though... Highly recommended!

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