Mondays hunt...

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Hello everyone, I was able to get out and went to a little gully that I have had my eyes on for a while. The area is an old ground sluice operation. I was bit irritated after arriving at the site to discover some old dig holes, maybe several years old. I was going to have to see what had been left for me. I went over the better looking ground and was not getting nothing but trash when I moved around a bush to see an open slope with just the right kind of rock and ground. I started up the slope and got loud distinct signal. Just an inch later a small round nugget was rolling down the hill. I went over and over the slope with negative results so I headed up the draw. I came up on a run of schist bedrock covered by some brush. I stuck the Sadie down in the most obvious looking crevice and got a real weak signal. After five minutes breaking the bedrock apart I had my second piece of gold for the morning. I was using the ole 3000 with the Sadie coil.

The larger piece came in at 1.16 penny weight and the smaller at .24 penny weight. Headed back to the house a bit early to get ready for Tuesday's hunt and more gold. Thanks, TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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