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Hi Mike,any updates? I sent a letter to my Senator and both Reps along with Senator Sylvia Allen, As usual, Senator allen was the only one to respond, and she's not even my Senator. I first met Sylvia through the "People For The West", She's always on the side of public use, private property owners, Miners and ranchers. Here's a copy of the letter; if anyone cares to use part or all of it feel free.

Senator Burns, I was saddened to discover that the Governor has announced the end of the Mine and Mineral Museum. I can't begin to describe how strongly I feel that this is a mistake and a disservice to all of us in Arizona, not to mention the forty thousand plus visitors each year, over half of which are school children. I also consider it an insult to the miners who who helped build this State. This museum is one of the last opportunities for modern people to make contact with the reality of their past, present and future. Everything in our life comes from the ground in one way or another, everything. Please don't allow them to "transform" the Arizona Mine and Mineral Museum.

There are at least two other museums already operated by the Historical Society, right here in the valley. Why not use those properties? Why destroy over a half century of hard work and dedication, not only from the state employees but hundreds of volunteers that have created one of the most educational and exciting museums in the southwest.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to you support, and offer mine if there is anything further I can do.

Sincerely, Jim P.

Peoria, AZ

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Later...Jim P.

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