Silver and Gold ---Jim Straight

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I just receive my copy of Silver and gold. Opened it up and found Jim Straight's article on "Testing the gold Bug Pro." Another great job and information on a budget priced detector to find gold with that does a good job. It would appear the one Pro gives another Pro a positive report. Way to go Jim thanks Jerry

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:) pondmn... Thanks for the giving me a good word regarding my freelance field test on the Gold Bug Pro... I finished the field work on the test in December and sent it in to Peoples Publishing in early January... Instead of being printed in Eastern & Western Treasures; it made the cut and it was published in the 2011 Silver & Gold Annual which hit the newsstands in late May....

As I mentioned in the first column on page 43, on my last trip to the gold field I struggled to cross a deep narrow wash and then detect over uneven ground, and my right knee started to give me the "fits." The next day at home I found it difficult to walk. This was in late December. Since then I have been hobbling sround with a cane... But I have been in several events, such as the Westcoaters Rendezvous. Sorry to have missed you the last day... I was in the 5 & dime hunt and strugged over the grass and was still detecting at the end; but I left as soon as I could... my knee was swollen and painful :wacko:...

Thanks again Jim Straight

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