California Golden "New" rules ?

Guest sandtrap

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Guest sandtrap

Dear Fellow California Miners,

There are several articles in various papers, mostly the Sacramento Bee that are carrying stories about the Budget Bill and the Trailer added to add a new 5-yr Suction Dredge Moratorium. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT EVERYONE OF YOU GO TO ALL THREE LINKS I PROVIDED BELOW AND ADD YOUR COMMENTS.

They don't have to be long, just go and register your feelings against this Trailer Bill. Add whatever you want but the more comments listed under the stories, the more weight is will carry.


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I agree that this needs participation and for miners not to just lie back and take it in the ... well you know. But the sac bee comment section is not the place to make a difference. I'm on the same side as you, but how about focusing efforts where it "might" actually do some good? I don't know where that might be, but I know the sac bee comments section isn't likely one of them. Just my 2 cents.

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Guest sandtrap

I have never dredged for gold, and probably never will. I got the article from a PLP forum, and thought that since most of the dredging is up "your" way, folks that do it, might be interested. So I really don't care about the "SAC BEE'. CHeez, can't even make a statement, hoping to focus attention on dredging? It was just for "Information" .

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I have never dredged for gold, and probably never will. I got the article from a PLP forum, and thought that since most of the dredging is up "your" way, folks that do it, might be interested. So I really don't care about the "SAC BEE'. CHeez, can't even make a statement, hoping to focus attention on dredging? It was just for "Information" .

Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come off sounding the wrong way. Rereading it it kind of sounds that way. Sorry.

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At the risk olf getting my head handed to me - again, isn't this fight over? Our dog lost when Jerry Brown took office, didn't it? Did I miss something? The lawyers for PLP made lots of money, Mr. Keene is still selling lots of equipment - in other states and COUNTRIES, and you poor California gold prospectors are SOL. We are like a dog with no teeth, just slobberin' all over 'em. How we gonna win that "fight?"

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I moved from CA long ago because this same scenario kept repeating itself. Elected officials held themselves above court rulings and did whatever they pleased irregardless of who got screwed.

When hard logic and fast pressure comes to bear on the elected few we may have something to bring change. The system of checks and balances is weak and way to slow. Just the way lawyers and people in power like it. The Gov should be the hammer...look what CA got!


New Beeper

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I'm telling you. The more stuff like this happens, the more I think my philosophy on this whole "closure" garbage, in all states, has an ulterior motive. I have noticed that out here in California, Southern California especially, that the vast majority of land closures for all kinds of bogus BS reasons, occur in or around gold bearing regions. We just had over 14,000 acres of land closed in the Coolgardie area here near Barstow because of the Lane Mountain Milk Vetch; a plant that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Dept. and the Center for Biological Diversity claim ONLY grows in area of the desert surrounding Lane Mountain. The problem is that I have seen the exact same plant 75 miles away in another part of the Mojave Desert that they have no intention of closing. Amazingly, the land they DID close off here is smack dab in the middle of the placer goldfields of Coolgardie. Another kicker is that Lane Mountain, the mountain they say this plant only grows at, is at least 4 miles away from the majority of the land they closed. AND...the winds out there ALWAYS blow from the west to the east, and the goldfields are west of the mountain. So IF the plant was being repopulated because of wind blowing the seeds around, then only the areas at the base of the mountain and east of there would be affected!

Another area is the Mojave National Preserve. There were numerous gold, silver, and copper mines in the Mojave Desert in that area, so the government comes in and closes the area to prospecting. Why? I can see them not wanting to have a bunch of huge holes in the ground out there from large-scale mining operations, but why close it to metal detecting as well? I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure that Jane and John Doe driving down the paved road a mile and a half away from where I am detecting can't see the hole that I just back-filled. I think what is happening is that the government is seeing the potential future value of the minerals on those lands and is keeping us out so when the price of gold, silver, or any of the other minerals present in these areas reaches an unimaginably high price, they can swoop right in and start mining it for themselves. We will ask why they are mining in an area that is closed to mining, and we will be told it is being done for the good of the economy and they have the authority to extract said minerals if they feel the "need" is there.

I have completely started to ignore the so-called "laws" being laid down by "the man". I have been a working, tax paying, citizen of this country my whole life and I am sick and tired of having every right promised to me by the Constitution stripped from me while I sleep. If you catch me in a closed area....write me a ticket! I'll pay it, and be back out there again next week. If you catch me metal detecting in a State Park or National Monument....arrest me and take me to jail. It's not murder! You can't hold me forever! Then I'll get out and be back there again. It's time for people to START standing up and making a difference instead of just talking about how they SHOULD. I can't do it alone, but I dang sure have no problem trying.

Sorry for the long rant!!!

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I'm telling you. The more stuff like this happens, the more I think my philosophy on this whole "closure" garbage, in all states, has an ulterior motive. I have noticed that out here in California, Southern California especially, that the vast majority of land closures for all kinds of bogus BS reasons, occur in or around gold bearing regions. We just had over 14,000 acres of land closed in the Coolgardie area here near Barstow because of the Lane Mountain Milk Vetch; a plant that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Dept. and the Center for Biological Diversity claim ONLY grows in area of the desert surrounding Lane Mountain. The problem is that I have seen the exact same plant 75 miles away in another part of the Mojave Desert that they have no intention of closing. Amazingly, the land they DID close off here is smack dab in the middle of the placer goldfields of Coolgardie. Another kicker is that Lane Mountain, the mountain they say this plant only grows at, is at least 4 miles away from the majority of the land they closed. AND...the winds out there ALWAYS blow from the west to the east, and the goldfields are west of the mountain. So IF the plant was being repopulated because of wind blowing the seeds around, then only the areas at the base of the mountain and east of there would be affected!

Another area is the Mojave National Preserve. There were numerous gold, silver, and copper mines in the Mojave Desert in that area, so the government comes in and closes the area to prospecting. Why? I can see them not wanting to have a bunch of huge holes in the ground out there from large-scale mining operations, but why close it to metal detecting as well? I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure that Jane and John Doe driving down the paved road a mile and a half away from where I am detecting can't see the hole that I just back-filled. I think what is happening is that the government is seeing the potential future value of the minerals on those lands and is keeping us out so when the price of gold, silver, or any of the other minerals present in these areas reaches an unimaginably high price, they can swoop right in and start mining it for themselves. We will ask why they are mining in an area that is closed to mining, and we will be told it is being done for the good of the economy and they have the authority to extract said minerals if they feel the "need" is there.

I have completely started to ignore the so-called "laws" being laid down by "the man". I have been a working, tax paying, citizen of this country my whole life and I am sick and tired of having every right promised to me by the Constitution stripped from me while I sleep. If you catch me in a closed area....write me a ticket! I'll pay it, and be back out there again next week. If you catch me metal detecting in a State Park or National Monument....arrest me and take me to jail. It's not murder! You can't hold me forever! Then I'll get out and be back there again. It's time for people to START standing up and making a difference instead of just talking about how they SHOULD. I can't do it alone, but I dang sure have no problem trying.

Sorry for the long rant!!!

I think you're right and/or are on to something. Notice how that gold tax thing was slipped into obamacare? (hopefully that will be overturned pretty soon, it's in court right now) Something like any gold sold over $600 must be reported as revenue on your fed tax return and you'll get W2'd at the sale. I think it might be our government doesn't want us accumulating gold. Mybe for any kind of reserve buying power? The US dollar is tanking and gold has some worth. Who knows...

They don't need to worry about me yet... I've found about enough to buy a good dinner for me and the wife, that's about it :unsure:

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I think you're right and/or are on to something. Notice how that gold tax thing was slipped into obamacare? (hopefully that will be overturned pretty soon, it's in court right now) Something like any gold sold over $600 must be reported as revenue on your fed tax return and you'll get W2'd at the sale. I think it might be our government doesn't want us accumulating gold. Mybe for any kind of reserve buying power? The US dollar is tanking and gold has some worth. Who knows...

They don't need to worry about me yet... I've found about enough to buy a good dinner for me and the wife, that's about it :unsure:

Same here, wjbell! Been drywashing and beeping just about every weekend since the end of January and have accumulated a total of the 3.5 grams of gold, with over half of that being in one nugget.

The Few! The Proud! The Skunked!!! :(

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Same here, wjbell! Been drywashing and beeping just about every weekend since the end of January and have accumulated a total of the 3.5 grams of gold, with over half of that being in one nugget.

The Few! The Proud! The Skunked!!! :(

Hey then you're doin better than me, that one nugget is a decent one! :) I'm barley at the half gram club. I started off sluicing by myself at the rivers in 09. The fun for me is getting out in the mountains and getting out with friends. It's fun when you find gold too though ;)

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Any gold over 600 taxed? Holy crap. I supplement my income with gold, and since i make enough to be at the top of my bracket, it would be stupid for me even sell anymore . I would lose out big time! Now i'm really pissed.

Just looked it up, it's more than $600 in a calendar year. I wonder how it's going to work with the people/places that buy raw gold from miners? I hope the next president (hopefully in 2012) repeals this.

Gold tax

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